Elder Mikel North

Elder Mikel North
South Africa Durban Mission June 2015-2017

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas

"This week I will begin with some stories of how the work this side is going and then I will share a few thoughts that I have about Christmas and the meaning there of.

We had our Mission Christmas party this week, that was a bunch of fun, half of the mission was there so it was good to see some old faces. One in particular who was Elder (Coleman) Nelsen, I had biology with him in high school and he is in my stake back home. It was cool to finally see someone from Riverton!!! We played some games at the Christmas party, did a nativity, and ate a great lunch. Day well spent. The problem was the taxi, because we are trying to save the amount of K's we drive we had to take a taxi which is pretty much a mini van down to Durban, it took about 2 and a half hours to get there and this taxi was ridiculously uncomfortable the entire way.... eish.....

A major blessing this week came for us just yesterday at church. So we visit this Sister who is Less active, she has been inactive for over 11 years and just recently have things begun to change. We meet with her fairly regularly but nothing to grand has come of it. She has been through hell and back with a lot of the trials she has gone through. Well this Sundays we saw her walk through the doors of the chapel. My jaw must have dropped. She came to church!!! we met with her that night and she has committed to get a temple recommend and get her life right before the Lord. As we were meeting with her we that night we made plans to begin teaching her daughter as well. I have been praying for a way to start teaching this family ever since I got here and now those prayers have been answered! Hallelujah."

Elder Nelson from Bluffdale!

"Now Christmas!!!!

What is Christmas? Well to me its family, gifts, laughs and fun.
Nights with grandma, mornings with brothers and sisters. days of anticipation, moments of thrill. hours of waiting and plenty of food. but is that really all? of course its not.

I am so thankful to my wonderful Mom and Dad who did their best to teach us the true meaning of Christmas, that is not about what you get but what you give. I love this time of year because its so naturally centered on Jesus Christ, we hear all to often the story of his birth. It is more than just a story though, it is so much more. It is hope, it is peace, it is joy, that's what the birth is all about, that's what it brings to me. When you are a missionary you spend Christmas away from your family for two years.... its tough... it really is haha. I remember last year at this time and especially Christmas day, nothing like it used to be and you quickly realize how important being with those you loved and celebrating together really is. You see how much you miss that nativity you used to dread every year. you realize that the most exciting part isn't opening gifts but seeing someones face light up and spreading that light to each other. I want to keep it short and I don't want to give a 30 minute talk, although I could on the subject. Its a season of cold weather, Now if you are anything like me, the cold brings us close. haha "cuddle weather" as I like to say, well isn't that a message in it of its self. We are supposed to come together, now I don't mean we have to physically be together but together in love and spirit. Its a season to make memories that last. As we remember the birth of our savior let us show that we love him in word and deed this year. do something more. the church has wonderful insights on mormon.org this year and a bunch of daily posted videos on how we can really #Light The World  we can spread the Light of Christ. its really simple and makes you feel all the warm and fuzzes inside.

Well There was just a bit of scattered thoughts and words that probably dont make too much sense but its alright. all in all I know that my Savior lives and loves me, and each one of you! Merry Christmas!"

mission mom!

His email to me this week was great, so I'll include it here! I've been driving him nuts with some big news that I waited to tell him until we skyped today, so that's what he's talking about keeping something from him haha. But I'm not going to announce it here because it's still on the DL :)

"thats good, People in our mission have been getting dear johns left and right... kinda scary... haha another person who we thought was gonna last just got the bad news as well.... eish... babe we are making South Africa Durban Mission history! ;)

oh you have no idea how much I miss cafe rio..... I wish wards and branches could do fun activities like that here.

Ya there are too many movies that have come out,  but thats okay, just more things to do together ;) I dont even know if well have time to watch them all with all the adventuring we need to catch up on ;)

eish #sendRolls haha cinnamon rolls are nice, especially home made. We just had our mission Christmas party and it is almost unreal knowing that I will be home for the next one. I cant believe that we are approaching the end of the year, the year I was able to give all to the Lord. Its just crazy to me.

Ah babe you drive me crazy in all the best ways! haha I cant believe you are doing this to me! It better be good or else Imma beat you up ;) I literally just cant wait to see you and my fam and ah skypee is such a wonderful thing! 

No packages yet so itll be after Christmas most likely, I have some cards I am sending your way, not much... sorry.... but I hope they still make you smile and know I love you so much!

Things have been pretty good with my comp lately, He is such a great guy and actually one of my favorite ones in my entire mission this far. its really hard because Christmas time everyone is on vacation or partying and all that so we end up having a lot of down time which sometimes makes us feel unproductive but overall all is going really good. We have been having a lot of fun the past few days. We stay in this big complex of flats and we have been playing cards with some of the neighbors the past few days so we havnt gone to bed till 1 or later for like 3 nights in a row. its taking a toll but worth it, we also play some games with some of the kids in the complex as well so that has been really fun :)

I am doing well. I have been reflecting a lot. Something that I am noticing a lot and really doing my best to change is my tone of voice, like you said. It has never hit me as hard as now realizing how condescending I sound all the time. I have a lot of work to do but I am trying to be a lot better in the way I talk to others and how I voice my opinion in a non argumentative situation and tone. You are just amazing babe, I am so luck to have someone who loves me and understands how I feel and always knows what to say to me. Someone I can turn to during any moment, any high, or any low. I know you will always be there for me to hold me, push me, and kick me when I need it :) 

Cant wait to see you and hear this big news you are killing me with! :)

Elder Mookie"

Skyping today was so awesome! It was so good to see him and hear his voice again. He sounds so good and is loving it. I thought he had a funny accent last year, but he definitely has one now :) But it's awesome haha. It was fun to see his reaction when I told him my news and to just hear his stories and talk with him a bit. His family is the best for always including me, I really appreciate it and it's fun to spend time with them! It made me sad (and I could tell he was sad) when we had to hang up, but it's crazy to think that when he skypes on mother's day he will have about a month left!! Ahh! It's also crazy to me that this year is coming to a close and that 2017 is the year that he comes home. There's still much for both of us to learn and more growing to be done, but it's exciting to think that the day that seemed ages away is so close! Only 6 more months to go!

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