Elder Mikel North

Elder Mikel North
South Africa Durban Mission June 2015-2017

Thursday, January 5, 2017


The last two emails we've gotten were kind of short, so I'm just combining them into one! After Christmas, he was transferred to Bloemfontein and got a new companion, Elder Fransen. We don't know much about his area or his companion yet.

December 26

"well lets see.... what happened this week.

We went to see Sphe who is our most promising investigator. He was unable to come to church this week but hopefully he will come next week. We are teaching him about living and keeping the commandments and he is ready to follow them! He is a power dude and likes to rap.

We found a few new investigators while trying to find less actives in mzingazi. We found this girl thando and guy Chris, they both used to live with a member so they have seen missionaries but have never been taught by them, we spent a good hour talking and getting to know them better and then they started asking all sorts of questions that all lead to the restoration of the church. so we left them with a pamphlet and will try to see them some times this week.

It sometimes gets hard to work during the Christmas season but we keep up the cheer by singing to carols and looking for adventures and service a long the way."

It was awesome to be able to skype with my family this week, they are incredible. All of my younger siblings have gotten lots lots taller.... not sure how I feel about that but eish, life moves on. 

Being a missionary has and continues to change my life every day. I may say I knew about the Savior a little bit before mission, but as a missionary I am blessed to try my best to represent Him every day, to try and do what He would do. As you strive to be like Him you come to know Him and understand just a bit more of His endless love for you. I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to come to know my Savior who is Christ. He was born of humble birth, in a dark cave in a manger. He lived an exemplary life. and died in suffering for you. I love the Lord, He is my reason for hope, for love, for peace in all things. 

I love you all and hope you had a wonderful Christmas" 

It was only the day after Christmas that he emailed that week, so it felt like there wasn't much to tell in our emails since we had just talked the day before haha. But his email was really sweet so I'll share it :)

"flipits that was huge news I didnt know how to react honestly!!! ah you are so amazing I just want to go around telling everyone how awesome you are.  

I was talking to some kids the other day and they were just so happy that santa came and they had stories and all sorts of fun things to say.

Christmas is an awesome time of year. I loved skypeing. I never really got "trunky" missed home a lot after skypeing but I dont know, this time I just missed you so much like it was weird how much I missed you after just seeing you.... but life goes on. Some how you are just more beautiful in every way than I remember and ah just everything you do makes me just swoon haha. 

The new area will be a tough one. we will see how it goes. Mission President called me to tell me about my comp, appearently he has had some struggles with companions and what not. He said that he is doing better but just hasnt hit the ground running sort to speak and he wants that to change, Elder Francen is from Cali I think and he has been out for about a year now. 

Babe, I just dont know how to express in words the way I feel about you, I have been praying a lot, like a lot a lot. About us about the future about all that good stuff. Over and over again I feel so good about it all. I feel assured that its right, its not all just in my head, some fantasy or delusion that I have come up with. I want to be with you, every second of every day for the rest of forever. its just it. I love you. nothing can will or ever can change that simple fact. You blow me a way each and every day and I will try my best to keep up you, hopefully I dont slow you down to much. Thank you, thank you for emailing me every week and never mission one. thank you for being there for skype, thank you for making me feel loved at every low, sad, and down moment. thank you for your example of love, charity, dedication, work, perseverance and joy. Thank you for being you! I love that :)"

January 2nd

"Not much time this week,

It was a great week Elder Fransen is a dope dude,

we have done a lot of tracting in town.... eish... but somehow it has been pretty successful.

Because of New Years there arn't a lot of teaching appointments

Elder North"

I can't believe it's 2017!! He comes home this year!!! Looking back, so much has changed since he left and originally, that's what I was afraid of. But now I'm so excited to be able to show him this new life that I have been living and for us to adventure and have fun together again. It's crazy to think that we're nearing the end of our time apart.

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