Elder Mikel North

Elder Mikel North
South Africa Durban Mission June 2015-2017

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Book of Mormon and Investigators

"This week we drove 750miles, YES miles thats crazy! we had MLC in ladysmith this week where we got to meet with all the other zone leaders and talk about stuff with the mission prez.  It was super sweet! :)

We also got to teach Baba Nnkosi and we will see him again tonight.  He is a reverend for his church and was in Swaziland this weeked for church stuff, buuuutttt he said that he would read the Book of Mormon and if it is true he will follow! Well, if he reads then its game over! It is  true and he will know it! Our last lesson was really grand, the spirit was strong and Baba was nigh to tears at the end as we testified of the Book of Mormon.

We found a new lady this week who is power, her name is Mpume and she is cool. We extended a baptismal date the first time we sat with her and she accepted!  It was stupendous! We just taught her about the restoration and she was getting everything, Usually when we ask question and get them thinking its kinda hard. They dont always put things together but she was getting it, she was putting it all together which is just awesome, she is awesome, mission is awesome!"

Driving to MLC


 best cooks in town. L to R Elder Thorkolsen, Smith, Thorsen, yours truly.

"Playing games at the mission home before MLC the next morning."

"Isn't our mission president just the cutest"

"elder Katimbo from Kimberely its been over a year since I saw him last, he goes home in about 3 months"

Elder Shinga

Elder Depriest

"We were able to teach Sphe as well and he is stud x2! We taught him about the Book of Mormon and when we followed up with him about it he bore a simple and powerful testimony of the Book of Mormon. He said "I just feel like its real" and that was cool! Sadly he wasn't able to come to church, not sure why yet. We are out of airtime and can't call anyone so we will be seeing him tomorrow.  I hope he gets baptized.

We are really trying to set things on fire and make December an incredibly awesome month. It's tough though because December is summer here and holiday and people party for days! We set a goal for the zone in baptisms and in our area we are going to try to get 10 by the end of December, well this area usually get ten a year so its gonna be tough but it is possible. I mean all we need to do is find one more family to teach and then boom! So much prayer and fasting will be put into effect.  

Well I am out of time so I gotta go buuuuuuuuttttttttt, I love ya'll lots! stay blessed!

Elder North"

"so much crabs, such wow, many waves, very crawel."

"Weekly planning at the beach."

"Toothpaste proves the word of wisdom"

"soooo, we went to visit someone in the hospital and while walking down one of the halls we looked at a door and saw that it was barricaded. I think there must have been a small zombie outbreak....."

"Missionary or....."

Well I finally got his Christmas package sent this week, so that will probably be late but it's sent! And thankfully the semester is coming to an end. This is the last week of classes and then finals! Just gotta push through to the end. We're coming up on his 6 months to go mark, which is absolutely insane. One more semester and he's home! I'm really excited to skype him on Christmas. :)

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