Elder Mikel North

Elder Mikel North
South Africa Durban Mission June 2015-2017

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Jeepers Time is Gone Going!

"Yes I know my english is getting really really bad.... just dont judge to much.

So this week just flew past as well and a lot of things were happening all over the place. So on Wednesday we got to go on exchanges with the assistance in Durban. so we drove to stanger which is an hour away and met them and they took us the next hour to Durban. Its always good to seem them because the AP's are Elder Adams, former comp, and Elder Bennison, MTC comp. so I know them both decently well and its good to catch up. they work so hard and do so much so they are always just beat tired.

The next day the assistance got a call and had to leave. sooo we didnt even end up going on exchanges with them. so I went out with the Elders in Berea, Elder Sithole and Elder Huntington. We had an awesome day and taught a powerful lady about the word of wisdom she has some other personal issues she is working on before she can get baptized but she is just power. We met some members at their place and their were two sisters who are not members. so we were talking and getting to know them. they were super cool and we enjoyed the time we had to get to know them and then they fed us dinner which was amazing. She cooked us pap but her pap was mixed with butter and potato so it was almost like mashed potatoes but more like pap. I dont know how to explain it unless you have had pap before. it was super good.

Well because the assistance had to leave to take care of some things we had to stay another night in Durban. So we got back to our are in the afternoon of the next day. When we got home the Elders from Port Durnford where there so we had to take them home, they live about 30 minutes away, this was just after driving three hours back to our home from durban. after getting to PD we had to go to Enseleni another 30 minutes to do an interview. after that we drove another 30 minutes to our place, we drove for like 4 and a half hours just to get to our area that day. it was rough.

We have been having a lot of opposition in the work lately with investigators not keeping commitments or just not progressing and we have to drop them (stop seeing them and look for new people to teach) so this week not much changed until Saturday. We taught our guy Sphe and focused a lot about the importance of church, we also taught Zanele and her sister. Her sister seemed super interested and asked us a lot of questions about Joseph smith. When we gave her a book of Mormon and asked her to read the introduction page she said, what just one page we then showed her where to start in first Nephi chapter 1! She seemed super excited to read so we pray she does. sadly she said she had to go to her church this week. but we will see her again tomorrow and see where that takes us."


"My comp and I got a nice roti wrap :)"

"plumbing service has an awesome slogan"

"We really have been focusing on one in particular named Sphe, he is a young man going into his senior year so he is at a prime age for the gospel and could still go on mission if he gets baptized. His family is super traditional and are all sangoma traditional witch doctors. He doesn't think that the traditional belief is true at all and has great faith in Christ. He hadn't come to church though the past few weeks and we knew that if he didn't come now it was time to drop him. It was hard to come to that conclusion because he is such a great young man and understands so well everything that we teach him. He retains the information well and has a testimony of the book of Mormon. We let him know that if he didn't come to church that this would be our last visit and that we need to spend our time with people who are serious about coming unto Christ. Well Church started and he was no where to be found. I personally thought that, that was it. we are no longer teaching this guy. He wont come to church. With ten minutes left of sacrament meeting he walked in the door. I was pretty tired during the meeting and my mind was else where. Immediately after I saw Sphe in the door way my head sprung up and I turned to my companion. I am sure the smile on my face was just as big as the one on his as we finally had a break through with an investigator. its been a tough journey the past little while here in Richards bay to get a investigator to really come to church and keep all of our commitments. it was a much needed answer to many prayers and fasts. I think he really enjoyed church and should be getting baptized in the next coming weeks.

After that we went to go teach Mpume, now we tried to see her during the week but it didnt go to well, she hadnt read because she was super busy, we still tried to sit down and share something but she kept getting up to do stuff so we ended up leaving without sharing anything. We decided to try her again Sunday afternoon and we were able to have an incredible lesson about the plan of salvation. She really understands and just puts things together. she states answers to questions we havnt even asked her yet. We are really hoping that she will come to church this week and get baptized soon. She says to know that the things we teach are true because she feels more and more peace and joy and we talk and as she reads. We encouraged her to continue down the path of reading and studying and praying that she will be able to gain a firm testimony. God will always confirm truth so we can be sure of it.

At the end of the day we went to visit Njabulo (happy) This is a sweet dude. He came to church out of the blue one day and so we of course started talking to him. He is engaged to a member from new castle so they came together. we visted with him sunday night and got to know him a bit more and began to teach about how we can have eternal and happy families through the message of the restored gospel. We look forward to going to see him this week and really start teaching. He has so much potential to progress. I have never taught a family that actually has come to church so this is awesome!"

"Exchanges with Elder Sithole and Huntington"

"Downtown Durbs"

"I know that God does indeed lift us in the hour of our need. God being our Father in Heaven wants nothing but good for us. All that happens and is allowed to happen is really intended for our gain and benifit. its just really really hard to see it sometimes. If we can just take grasp to that simple truth that God is our Father and a perfect on in fact. That a perfect Father would only do what he know was good for his children. That a perfect Father wants the best for His children and would give them every opportunity to learn and become better than they currently are. If we just understand that principle, that truth. Our whole live really changes, our perspective takes a shift. our views are broadened. I know that we receive no witness until after that trial of our faith. As a missionary I see many trials that people go through each day. I do see people suffering in poverty and sickness but through those trials they come to find the true and living God, they come to know Him and feel his presence. The same applies for me and you. When we are going through what seems to be dark times, we must do the only thing we seemingly can. Look up to the Light of our saviour, Cry out His name in our need. Allow the Mercy of Jesus to lift and love you. He will carry you. He does carry me. I have a bit of a love hate relationship with trials. I love them after they are done as I look back and see the whole picture. That is usually when I can see the benifit that has come, the growth that was needed. We sometimes think that because God loves us, it is supposed to be easy. Well its not easy. but its is not because he dosnt love us. It is only because He loves us and wants us to return to live with Him again

I hope this isnt all confusing or rambling. This season is such a joyous time. We are given ample oportunity to turn and reflect towards the savior who is Christ.  Christmas is wonderful! Christ is wonderful!

Just know that however you are feeling, especially if you are feeling low. That there is Light, He is the Light. There is joy at the end of this road. there is hope.

I know that God lives. I know it, I really do. so can you."

"Elder Thorsen and I didnt have an oportunity to take our wonderful elders Dooley and Harper on Exchanges so we invited them over for a nice home cooked diner as we did there interviews. #momskills"

I love the stories he shares about the investigators they are teaching. Even though it may not always turn out how they would like, it's always interesting to me to read about how each person comes to find their testimony in a different way.

Finals are finally over! I can't believe how fast this semester flew by. It doesn't feel like that long ago that it started, but it was over four months ago. I'm really looking forward to skyping Mikel on Christmas, which is a week away! I've been thinking a lot today about how much has changed since last Christmas. There are a lot of things that are the same, of course, but especially in myself I've seen a lot of change. 2016 has been a year of so much growth and learning personally, and I know it has been the same for him. He seems to have matured a lot especially in this last year and his testimony has continued to grow. I love to look back at old letters and emails and read them not only to remember what things were like then, but also to see how far we have both come. It's kind of a crazy thing that I will see him again in about 6 months. There's so many different emotions that I feel when I think about it, but I try not to because it is still kind of far away. :) But anyway, I'm super excited to skype!

I'm also excited for Christmas because it's taken on such a new meaning for me this year. The Light the World initiative that the Church has done this month has been so cool to participate in. (If you don't know what I'm talking about, go to lds.org and look for Light the World.) I love how it takes attributes and actions of the Savior and gives us something we can do each day that Christ did for others. Today in Relief Society in my home ward the lesson was from Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Howard W. Hunter chapter 24. We talked about what we are doing/should be doing in our lives to be like Christ, and then we talked about the question, "What manner of men ought ye to be?" I automatically thought of the answer that Christ gave right after He asked the question: "Even as I am." As I've pondered what that means, a video I watched at institute came to mind that I thought I would share here. As Christmas is coming closer, I invite everyone to focus a little more on Christ and how we can make room for Him in our lives.

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