Elder Mikel North

Elder Mikel North
South Africa Durban Mission June 2015-2017

Thursday, July 7, 2016

One Year of Learning

Wow sometimes Monday's sneak up on me! (Hence the reason I'm posting this two weeks after I got the emails) The days are long but the weeks are short and summer is almost halfway over. Well, for me it's almost over because we start fall camp for soccer on August 2nd. It's getting so close!! I don't think I've ever been more excited to play soccer in my life haha. It's been over 8 months since the last time I put on my jersey to play, which is wayyy longer than I've ever been away from the game. I have been training and running and all that stuff up to this point, but I've never been limited as to my ability to play until this injury so it's been quite the experience. Needless to say I'm more than ready for this season to start :) It's crazy to think that this is my last season before Mikel gets home! Ahh! I've been really thinking about what it's going to be like when I'm playing again, how well I'm going to do, where I'm going to play and how much I'm going to play. I'm not sure what to expect and it's kind of making me nervous. But Mikel is always comforting and reassuring when I'm a worrier and vent to him about things. "I know that you are going to be an even better player than before and better person, hope, hope is key. an assurance that thing will work out. I love you and know that anything less then better wont cut it and you will get there."

Well his mass email had lots of good stuff in it this week, so I'll mostly just put all of that in here.

"Wait wait wait. no the subject says what!?!?

this cant be right. I just came on mission and the calendar is telling me I have been here for one year. It is crazy and cliche but time flies ay?

Well one year. what have I learned? the list is too big to begin. I have learned so much about myself, about life, others, trials, fears, joy, sadness, addiction, recovery, prayer, answers, blessings and more!!!

I have been blessed beyond measure this past year. Although I seem to make many mistakes, get frustrated or angry at times the Lord seems to bless me still. When I feel inadequate He lifts me up and pushes me forward.

This year has been hard for sure, but worth it! Oh it has been so worth it. Worth the initial home sickness, the leaving of friends and family, the not knowing what I am doing here, the want to go home, the I want to punch my companion, the I want to give up, the this is hard, the is it worth it, the can I do it, the countless prayers for help, the feeling of lacking, the everything that mission throws at you. YES  it is all worth it! and at the end of the day I LOVE IT!"

"It's getting cold in South Africa!"

"I love the people, the land, the language, the buildings, the dirt roads, the pot holes, the struggle, the joy, the peace, the love, the hope, the comfort, the lessons, the blessings, the growth, the spirit, the brotherhood, the desire, the smiles, long days, the falling asleep during your prayers, the waking up the next day on your knees, and just everything mission really does give you! Do it! Love it!

Its kinda weird to think I am a year and considered "old on mission" and my babe just went home today. sad day.
So to celebrate no I did not burn a shirt even though a lot of them have holes and rips that have been stitched. instead I took my companion out and we had a nice dinner of steak and ribs! it was awesome. I haven't had steak in exactly one year. (we took him out to eat for his last meal and he chose Longhorn Steakhouse)

I have come to love this gospel. I have come to love the scriptures and recently love the Bible, its soooo good haha. I love my savior, brother, and friend Christ. He is my hope, my salvation, my safety. I love my Father in Heaven. His love fills my heart! I am so grateful I get the chance to testify every single day about Their divine love for us. About our purpose here on earth, where we came from, what we are to do. and testify of the blessings of a modern day prophet who leads and guides us. I know it, I know it, I know it. That's just it. It's so perfect and beautiful and simple. It brings the sweetest and best feeling I have ever felt in my life. 100x times better than your first kiss 100x better than perfecting a back flip 100x better than scoring the championship goal to win the game! Nothing compares to the love I feel when I am doing what my Father in Heaven wants, when I am testifying that He lives! When I feel the comfort and truth when reading and praying over my scriptures."

"Birthday (one year) meal!"

"my companion is great and we are getting along quite nicely he is a super funny guy but sometimes I just want to sleep at night and he keeps talking haha oh well. he is good. our investigators are okay but running into so stumbling blocks that we first have to climb, but we will get their :)

I love you and I too have been thinking about you so much this week, well I always do but like more than usuall. I miss you.... as you said though, such is life and we will continue to push through like we do :)

Elder Mookie"

I love his testimony and love of the people he is serving!

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