Elder Mikel North

Elder Mikel North
South Africa Durban Mission June 2015-2017

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Back to Work

This last week has been crazy busy for me because of captain's week, coaching a camp and getting ready to move back up to school. It felt like the first time I wasn't running from place to place every day was when I was getting into bed that night. It was definitely exhausting but a good preparation for fall camp which starts in TWO DAYS!! I can't even believe how soon the start of my sophomore year is. I'm so excited for everything about fall - starting classes, practice every day, games every weekend, traveling, being with my team all the time, I love it all so much. And to make it even better I finally get to start playing again, and that's easily the thing I'm looking forward to the most. Each time I train I feel more and more confident so even though I'm not completely back to where I was before my injury I know that will come in time. What's even crazier to me is that this is the last season that Mikel will have to miss! Ahhh!

"As you know I am not in my area due to my companions eye surgery. No we have not just been doing nothing we actually did quite a bit of work this week. We did a lot of door to door knocking and trying to find less active members here in Bloemfontein specifically the Rocklands area. It was amazing, it felt so good to get back out on the streets and do missionary work again.

As I wrote to President Thompson:

We spent a good part of this week tracting, which was fantastic. I never thought I would enjoy tracting as much as I did this week. Just getting into full groove of missionary work again has been great!  I guess it brought back memories of when I started my mission and how excited I was for everything. Thus the saying you never know what you have till its gone. This past couple of weeks of more of downtime has made me appreciate being a missionary so much more. It has completely reminded me of how much I truly love being a missionary in every aspect of the word! I hope that I can keep this remembrance of excitement and joy for the work for the rest of my mission.

We found an amazing investigator this week. She is a young women who knows the bishop of Thaba Nchu. She already likes the church and its standards and seems very omitted in learning more about our message. we taught the restoration to her and she had good questions about it which shows her genuine interest. It is sad that I will be going back to Lesotho this week and will be unable to continue teaching this family. I hope the other missionaries have success as they bring them unto Christ. It is funny how in such a short time you can really grow to love people. I think it all comes through the service and sacrifice. I think those are the two best ways to love someone. and of course the spirit helps you to see those you teach with spiritual eyes and see there potential and the love the Lord has for them as well. Being a missionary is great for so many reasons and that is a huge one. being able to love people and see who they really are is such a blessing and a half!

It will be nice being back in Lesotho and knowing the area and people. I hope we can use the rest of the transfer to really do some great things in the area.

nothing super exciting or interesting went on this week except for teaching some people and tracting but it was in all a good week I think.

Sadly the computers here are still making it impossible to send pictures but oh well I guess next week you will get a lot :) Its kinda weird taking pictures  because we pull out an actual camera we tried to have this women take a picture for us and she didnt even know how to use the camera and she is only 35 probably. Its funny. we are so used to cameras built into our phones, and we rarely see people with actual cameras besides the big professional ones."

It's so awesome that he was reminded of how much he loves missionary work. I hope he can carry that reminder through the remainder of his mission. It's so true that you never know what you have until it's gone because we tend to take things for granted when we do them every day or they become a habit.

"Sounds like a a fantastic week, I cant wait to go camping and fishing and relaxing. So I dont know how to fly fish, maybe you can teach me sometime :) :)

haha the story of abby getting bitten on the eye made me laugh quite a bit just because I can imagine her freaking out about it haha she is a character for sure.

Zane played top soccer a bit so I have done some stuff with them, its such a great programme! :)

I love how you are always just volunteering to be the one to help in every situation. you always would help the freshman and this and so much more. Your heart is just so big and loving and I admire your desire to include and help others feel safe, and a part of everything. I love you for that!

It is so weird to hear of people going on missions since I have been gone for a year. and there are still going to be more as people a year younger than us leave. Chandler haws just left to his mission which is so weird!

11 more months isnt that insain! could you imagine if I was a sister missionary I would have 5 more months, like its only six months but makes a huge difference."

We'll have lots of pictures this week so I'm definitely looking forward to that :)

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