Elder Mikel North

Elder Mikel North
South Africa Durban Mission June 2015-2017

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Cops and Surgery

Well it sounds like he had an interesting week! From a couple interactions with the cops to his companion getting surgery on his eye. They will be staying together for another transfer because of the surgery. It has made it so they can't go out and teach much, but he sounds like they are making the most of it and they are just enjoying each others company. It's crazy that it's already time for transfers, that one felt like it flew!

"So funny story I forgot about two weeks ago now. I was driving down town and went to park in a parking spot, now this is Lesotho and I have never seen worse driving in my life.  Partly do to the fact that people buy their licenses from the black market because it can take over year to go through proper channels. So I crossed a solid line (which happens all the time) to get a parking spot. I didn't notice the cops that were there this day and they came up to me and talked a while as they read me my rights and said I was under arrest. Now in Lesotho they don't give tickets they just arrest you.... so we talked a bit more trying to see if there was anything we could do. He later told me I should buy some drinks for him and his colleagues. I of course said I couldn't and he said no as friends... he wanted a bribe of some sort... we continued to talk and then teach about the gospel and he then said that we could go. So I almost go arrested, that was fun. haha

Now more cop stories. We had to take Elder Leonard to the border so he could go to Bloem with some senior couples the get his surgery. As we went to our car after parking in town what I thought was legal we went back to our car to find a nice big clamp on it. eish... I picked up an new motto it goes "would it help" so when I come to my car and see a clamp and want to be angry I think "would it help" if not then why get angry I am only hurting myself so I just laughed as we waited for some other missionaries to take us to the border. we then get their and drive through the parking lot and let Elder Leonard walk across. We then realize that to go back we have to pass the immigration desk... we don't have our passports. We were quite worried that they would not less us back into the country even though we didn't technically leave. luckily we got back over the border then headed to the police office to get the clamp sorted. Now one of the high ranking officers is our district councilor at church so he got the clamp of for free which was very nice. He helps a lot when we get arrested for dumb things. Anyways that's Lesotho and the police haha

Elder Leonards cornea transplant went great! we go for a check up tomorrow. So needless to say we didn't do much this week because he was on bed rest recovery and needs eye drops every two hours, but it went good. We have been enjoying each others company and bum bum bum dah we are staying together another transfer. (In response to me saying to him last week I would be surprised if they changed him if his companion is having surgery.  hahaha)  The weird thing is we are scheduled to be staying in Bloem for 4 weeks. We will see if we end up being that side for that long but we will see. I am excited. I think its good because a change of companions after the surgery would have been hard. So today we leave for Bloem and plan to be their for about a month, we aren't sure why but oh well.

I love the scriptures! a lot a lot..... You can read them or you can READ them! See the difference. when we think about what the time was like, why people said what, why they were where they were. Things like that we start to understand and learn so so much!!!"

"Learned how to make battered chicken! Yum"

I'll also share all of his personal email to me because I loved what he says at the end. I've been struggling with feeling like I'm not progressing in the gospel, and his response to what I said was perfect! The day that I got his email I decided I needed to listen to a conference talk on my way home from Salt Lake so I just had my phone play a random one and it happened to be President Uchtdorf's talk from October 2014 "Living the Gospel Joyfully". It fit perfectly with what I needed and what Mikel said to me, so of course it was no coincidence. I highly recommend reading it or listening to it, it's a good one :)

"He is an awesome mission president, he is super excited to work and loves the outdoors and has a good sense of humor. I like him a lot. we still dont know him super well and how he deals with things but we will see.

 I was thinking the same thing. I will be with you next fourth of july!!! can you believe it! ah it sounds so good :) :) :) dont worry I am really good at relaxing (lazy) so I can help when I am back ;)

the house really looks so cute and perfect! how often do you practice with the rsl womens? I am sure you did great and I have no doubt the you will quickly become better than you ever were before :) you are becoming an adult... it weird... but I think I like it haha.

ah you are watching greys anatomy without me!!! sad news for an enamored heart haha. 

Going into tackles will probably be something that will take time but thats natural and 100 percent normal. dont beat yourself up to much babe I know you got this.

Life is full of ups and downs. but only good experiences. I dont believe there is such thing as a bad experience (I know ive mentioned this before) there are no bad experiences because we learn from them. they may hurt, be sad, and hard but they are for our benefit. 

sometimes we do find ourselves in a rut, even on mission. we do what we are supposed to but find not much gain. I am not sure on the answer to a lot of things. but I know that we can pray for desire, pray for the spirit. and I know our intentions and willingness and heart play a big role. If we do things simply because we think we should or we must then we get the same mediocre response from the performance but if we do something out of love, joy and excitement then we receive 100 times more. we need to find joy in what we are doing. for example if I go to practice and I practice hard but I do it because it is expected of me and I should as to if I go and love it and give my all. in which version do you think I would gain more from the experience. I think we can apply this to life and how we must find joy and love in what we do, especially the gospel. Reading my scriptures isnt good enough. praying isnt good enough. but love is always enough. I dont really know babe, but I am here for you. I love you!"

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