Elder Mikel North

Elder Mikel North
South Africa Durban Mission June 2015-2017

Sunday, July 24, 2016

11 Months to Go

"This week was quite different. Because of Elder Leonards surgery to get his second cornea transplant so we have been in Bloemfontein the whole week and will be until at least the 26th. Last week he wasn't able to do any missionary work so we were home a lot......

I love being in Bloemfontein because Elder Roberts is here and he is the smartest guy gospel wise that I have ever met in my life. He always teaches us the coolest things about the gospel and any questions that we have he answers them.

I can't upload any pictures because the computers here are super bogus! sorry :(

I guess though because I dont have much to say this week its a perfect oppurtunity to bear my testimony again.

I really do love this gospel. I love when you are sitting at your desk with the scriptures and you just get into it and get going and it becomes so real and you can't put it down. The hour goes by and your companion is now waiting on you so you can study together but you don't want to stop the flow. The scriptures bring real life solutions to real life problems and the greatest peace you can feel. Isn't that something we are all always looking for? peace? In work, in family, in everything? We want joy and peace. Well the answer is really quite simple. it's not necessarily easy but it is simple, we read, we pray and we go to church dang it! We all have the capability to feel with power, the love of God, and to feel close to him. We all have a purpose and the right to know it. The answers all lie within the good book. Pick it up, dust it off and just open it and watch as your life completely changes."

I love his testimony of the scriptures! Lately my testimony of them has definitely been strengthened because I have received such personal revelation while doing my studying. They are written for us and our benefit. I'll just share his personal email to me as well since there aren't any pictures to fill up the space :)

"sounds like quite the busy week for sure. I still love braging about you to people how you have played in other countries and practice with rsl and are so beautiful and perfect. :) haha.

I am glad your quad is feeling better though.

I havnt talked to Kami in awhile I need to see whats going on in her life. You are an awesome big sister by the way, you always have been and I know you dont think so.

God is good, all the time... All the time, God is good. I am so excited for this season to start and hear about how well you will be doing in all your games and how surprised everyone else will be ( not me I know you are going to be better than before) ;)

I miss camping so much, its a thing that people dont really do much here because the areas I serve in havnt been the richest so they already kinda live a camping lifestyle.

Wow that is a powerful experience you had. we dont necessarily get those all to often. So they are special and we need to remember them, and I know you dont struggle writing in your journal so thats a good thing. It makes me so happy to hear about that. The power of revelation is amazing and I love how we can really receive personal revelation, direct communication, from God! its the best!!!!

I dont know why but the past few days I have just felt the impulsing urge to tell you how much I care  about you.  I know you know that but for some reason it dosnt feel enough. I love you. its that simple. thats the fact of the matter. I will do anything for you, to be with you, to make you smile and laugh and get all giddly like you do :) I hear and even teach that people arnt perfect, which is sometimes hard to believe when I think of you. but I do know that people can be perfect for each other, evidence is you. You are perfect for me. you make me the best me that me can be ;) (I know the English is bad there but I think it sounds cute) I cant stand the thought of you being hurt and sad. All of me really does love All of you. and I sure will give my all. Nothing less would suffice, You deserve the sun and the moon and although I may not be able to get it, Ill die trying! You are the most amazing women I have ever met or seen, even heard of. I truly and deeply love you. I dont know why, but I still feel like I havnt said enough or done justice to what I feel. I guess I am not the eloquent poet who can woo women by his tingling words that cause sensations to bubble throughout your skin and very being, but hey I am trying. haha I think of the song by script where he says " those three words, are said to much, then not enough." I love you Hailey Kay Skolmoski!!!!!

:) :) :) :) this is me being giddly too :) :) :) :)"

Oh man. He's the best.

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