Elder Mikel North

Elder Mikel North
South Africa Durban Mission June 2015-2017

Friday, August 21, 2015

Remember Your Worth!

2 months down already?? Time has flown! It's amazing to think back on the first day after he left and how I felt like time couldn't go any slower, and now it's like it's never going to slow down (which I'm totally okay with). I've loved noticing the change in him already. His love and testimony of the gospel has grown and his desire to share it has grown as well!

He had a meal of goat head this week, which sounds absolutely disgusting to me. He said it tasted really good but the texture wasn't very good. It was the last week of transfers and he said sometimes missionaries get lazy during that time. They had to take their car into the shop again but luckily it was given back to them more quickly than last time.

street soccer is everywhere there

I was just kind of laying in bed thinking the other day, and I was thinking about Mikel and I and our relationship and how we could strengthen it these next two years. So I had the idea that we could choose something to study from (scriptures, church books, etc) and study those together and then talk about them in our emails. He seemed way excited about that idea so we're starting this week! He chose to study from The Teachings of the Prophet Ezra Taft Benson. I'm excited for us to learn together and share our testimonies!

My favorite thing that he shared this week was in his mass letter home and it was about our worth. "A topic I have been emphasizing to a lot of people the past couple weeks is that we all have value. Our value dosnt change upon the mistakes we make or our decisions. The world sees otherwise, as you do something bad your value decreases but this is not the case. Our Father in Heaven sees us all as his children and loves us more than we can ever know. No matter what we do He will always love us. He sees our true value, a value that is never changing and always great. Remember that YOU have value and even when we feel like rubbish and like we are worthless, think again and embrace the love that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have for you!" 

A place to get haircuts, but they don't know how to cut white people's hair haha

photo booth! He said it reminded me of him, it was one of our things :)

Life just keeps right on changing but I'm so grateful that I still have him. His testimony every week is exactly what I need to hear and I always look forward to Mondays. 22 more months to go!

Elder Katimbo, Mikel, Elder Agyeman, Elder Jena

Mikel and his companion with some investigators.

"I was thinking a lot about you last night but the strangest thing happend, Instead of crying like I usually do and I did at first, I started to just smile because of all the tings you are! I was just thinking about how soft your cheecks were and how I would play with your hair and how I loved looking into your eyes, how I loved trying to make you giggle, reading lips and laughing, kisses on the forehead and so much more and I just started to smile because I just realized how happy those things made me, just being with you made me the happiest I have ever been and I couldnt help but smile while I thought of us.

I gave a blessing to a little girl 8 years old yesterday and it just made me feel as if I was a father giving a fathers blessing and I just felt so good afterward I cant explain it I was just happy and filled with joy! It made me excited to be able to bless my children with power and protection and guidance. I love the power found in this incredible gospel!

Im the same way absolutly everything reminds me of you and not a day goes by where I dont miss you and remember us.

I love you babe so much!

Love you then, now, and forever
Elder mookie"

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