Elder Mikel North

Elder Mikel North
South Africa Durban Mission June 2015-2017

Friday, August 14, 2015


This post has gotten pushed to the side a little throughout the week because of soccer, moving into the dorms and whatnot. So I'm just barely getting around to it and it's almost Monday again!

He had a way cool experience on P-day last week where he got to pet some African animals! There was a lion, cheetah, black panther, and another animal that he couldn't remember the name of. These pictures are so cool!!

baby cheetah!! Can't decide who is cuter.. ;)

black panther




he wanted a hug haha

That awesome day they had turned into a long night. Elder Jena, his companion, has been sick for a few weeks now and started to get some sharp pains in his chest. They went to the hospital and it wasn't as much help as you would like, they spent over an hour waiting for a doctor. They left there by 2AM after an IV and some medication and the doctor just said its probably worms from the water. Mikel said he didn't like the water.. good call!

eating pap at a member's house

his planner :)

nasty spider!

I told him about my dad giving me a blessing before I moved out, and he said some really sweet things about my dad. He looks up to him and how he holds the priesthood and respects the Lord and the Spirit. That was cute to read :) In church that week he said they focused a lot on families, and I really liked what he wrote: "I love the respect the teach that you should have for your spouse and I love the way they teach about raising families, Elder Jena always says to fams we are teaching that "A family that prays together, stays together." Its so true and all sunday I was just thinking about how great Im going to strive to treat you as my wife, and how much Im going to love our kids and how much I look forward to family study and prayer it is just ah I cant wait. I just love how family oriented this gospel is. A quote I heard by Elder Bednar in the MTC was "Salvation is Individual, Exaltation is a family matter." Another thing in church while learning about families and raising kids and what not, I really liked that in the book we were reading from it said to council and rely on the lord, pray often as a couple for guidance. as parents you can receive revelation for your children and that made me so excited as well."

little rodeo he said reminded him of me

cool stone lion at a house

He said he's been missing home a lot this last week, which makes him easy to frustrate and upset. He misses his mom and is really sad that my letters haven't gotten to him yet :( I'm really sad about that too, because I've sent like 5 and none of them have gotten there. So I hope they get there soon. 

Almost two months down! I've really been struggling lately, but without the bad days how could we have the good?

"I cant eat oranges anymore without thinking of you haha, even just the color orange because its your favorite color. I started the otherday to Mark any scripture that makes me think of you in orange :) I really like it and it helps comfort me :) I left my scriptures but ill have you tell you what I highlite. Also chap stick You know how I dont really use it that often but I pulled it out the other day and Its the same one from my car and now whenever I put it on I just think of you and how whenever you got in my car you would always put it on, or if you had some you would re apply frequently and if it was flavoured I would find out what it taste like haha. Pretty much everything makes me think of you, smile and reminisce.

So I talk about you alot of course. Me and Elder jena were at a members house who just got engage and we were talking and the women said that we didnt know about love and we were all like eh! what do you mean! Jena told me that he actually prayed that we would stay together and get married because he said a dear john would destroy me because I talk about you so much haha so I was like sweet I got another person praying for us to be together haha. 

while on our way home from some service saturday morning we saw some people getting on horses and decided to go and check it out. It turned out to be like some horse event where they ride the horses through poles and what not, it was actually quite boring but it made me think of you. Seeing all the cowgirls and what not just made me think of us listening to country music and how you made me fall in love with country.

Driving manual is ruff, Im a pro at driving it, its super easy now and feels normal, its ruff for two reasons. one because I think of the times when we would hold hands and shift together or I would shift for you and just having fun and laughing. and two because I cant eat food while driving which really bust my buffers haha. we were driving at night and the stars were super pretty and it just made me think of our night drive in my dad buckie and we would just get blankeys and go up the mountain and cuddle and talk and look at the starts. Every time we did that I just would re fall in love with you so hard!

with faith the size of a mustard seed you can move mountains, I have faith that we will be together again and forever and I know that with a little bit of faith all things are possible. I love you babe from my toes to my nose and Im always with you in prayer giving you strength in comfort.

Always in love with you
Elder North"

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