Elder Mikel North

Elder Mikel North
South Africa Durban Mission June 2015-2017

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Delay What You Want

Elder North is doing well! :) He sounds happy, busy and enjoying the work. There are a lot of awesome stories he told this week so I hope I'll remember to put them all in!

Money one of the members asked him to put in the bank for her.

Apparently it's cold in the morning there! I made that blanket for him :)

I asked about the soccer games there and what they are like, and he said that they're awesome because every game feels like a state championship! There are a lot of people there supporting and cheering. They aren't as skilled as they are here but every now and then you'll see a good team that can move the ball well. He and his companion are looking to actually try and join a local team just to play and use it as a teaching opportunity!

In his letter home I loved what he said about the atonement. They were talking to a less active girl named Liberty and trying to get her to come back to church, and I'm just going to copy and paste exactly what he said: "while talking with her I started on my testimony of the Atonement, which if you have any Idea of what I know to be true about this gospel it is I know the Atonement to be true. Our Savior, Our Elder Brother sacrifice his life for you, I don’t say us because the act wasn’t for us it was and act for you as an individual, He saw your face, He heard your name and then he felt every heart ache, every tear drop, every pain, every lonely thought, every ounce of shame guilt and humility, he felt it all, not for US but for YOU, He love you and because Jesus did this for YOU He knows how to help you, when you are sad, down, discourage, depressed, alone, afraid, and every ill-conceived thought enters your mind He can lift you up, brush you off, and help you to be okay because He has been there He has done that, for YOU because HE LOVES YOU! I know that Christ suffered for YOU so that he could help you. Trust in Him, rely in Him, He will bring you up and higher than you thought ever possible!" It was so powerful to me to read that! It's amazing to see the difference in his testimony and to see his love for it grow every week.

They had some car troubles this week so they've been biking now. They said it would take two to three days but it had been 5 by Monday, so they had a sore butt by then haha. It was right when he was getting good at driving a manual too!

Isn't he the cutest ever? <3

Elder Jena taking some selfies!

They found some dirt hills the other day and decided it would be fun to ride they bikes on them because well, they are boys. Towards the end Elder Jena almost crashed right into him but barely missed which made him fly into a ton of bricks, do a flip and land straight on his shoulder. He thought for sure that he had shattered his shoulder but there was a random pillow right where he landed. Blessings come in interesting ways!

Around Kimberly

The title of this came from a quote he shared with me that said "Delay what you want for what you need." It came from a story about a girl who went through the long process of becoming a doctor, when asked how she did it she said I had to learn to delay what I wanted for what I needed. I liked what he said about it: "This hit me strongly as I realized this is why I’m on mission. I delayed what I wanted which was to be with you, my friends and family, to go to school, to have fun back home because what I need to to become the man the Lord need me to be, to become his servant to lead and spread his word, to become a more loving person, to become a capable father and husband that, become what you need, to honor my mother and father, my priesthood and just to learn and grow to be all I can be. I think you can apply this to your life. Delay what you want for what you need and you will see the blessing in your life, they may not be instant but they are bound. As the scriptures say, I the Lord am bound when ye do, but when ye do not ye have no promise. (something like that)." Sometimes what we want isn't what we need, and it was a good reminder to hear that from him!

I got some cute letters from him this week!! It came at the exact time I needed it with exactly what I needed to hear. It's crazy that something he wrote weeks ago can still be so applicable to the moment I got it. I loved how he said that he tells people about me and shows them the picture of me he has in his wallet. :) Man I miss him.

Cool little cards from the temple. I loved the quote on the smaller one, and on the back of that he said: "We're going here someday!"

"everything still reminds me of you which is good because i dont want to go a second without remembering US. :)

I miss you and Love you babe Im out of time because I need to write home still haha just remember that things will be even better than they were, we will both have grown so much and become what eachother need and things will be even better but its hard now.

I almost forgot, we had an awesome mutual and I taught the kids how to play four square which made me think of you and how much of a champ you were, it made me miss you and our friends and playing four square. Our late nights playing nine square and just how much fun we had so that was ruff but still fun :)

Love you always and for eternity, we are going there someday!

Elder Mookie"

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