Elder Mikel North

Elder Mikel North
South Africa Durban Mission June 2015-2017

Thursday, August 27, 2015

2 Months and Lots of Letters!

Wow, this week has been crazy busy and overwhelming with school starting and having to figure out how to balance that, soccer and living on my own all at the same time. It's been quite the adventure so far and honestly I'm exhausted, so I feel bad that this has been pushed to the bottom of my to-do list. Not that it really matters because I don't even know who reads this and I really just do it for myself haha :)

Well, we've made it two months! It feels like a long time looking back but in reality it's gone by really fast. It's helped that I've been so busy with all the things changing in my life. Mikel said something amazing in his mass letter home and I really want to share it because it's so relevant to me, people my age and everyone preparing to get to this point in life:
"Wow how crazy is life? To all my friends and the people my age back home, isnt this insane!? in two short months most of us have either gone on mission, or are about to leave on a mission. Have gone to college, or about to leave to college. That means most of us have or will be soon moving out of our parents house and be on our own. Crazy how fast time flies and how old we feel and how much it sucks to get old and lose your friends and say good bye. One thing I've come to notice though is I'm so happy! Life is tuff, but life is good! This critical time in our lives is to either go on mission, to go to school or to even go and start working is a pivotal point in our lives that will set up the rest of our lives! Sure saying good bye really sucks but the good far out weighs the bad. I have learned so much in these two short months of being on mission. I've learned a whole heck of a lot about who I really am, what I believe, what I stand for, what my goals in life are and so much more. I love being on a mission and just serving, Your calling is to SERVE and that's whats important, not if you baptize anyone or this or that but if you went out and served the people and loved them with all your might, mind, and strength! So all you going through these major changes in our lives.... of your friends leaving, look at change as a thing to help you grow. "the more things change, the more they stay the same." I know that God has a plan for all of us, Its not easy, and sometimes not even fun. I can promise you its worth it. That this time in our lives is for us to learn and grow far more than we could have ever done back in our little circle of living. Where ever you are, on mission, at school, at home or at work. Go and do. Go and do whatever you can and learn and laugh and grow!"
How is it that he always says exactly what I need to hear, even if it's not directed at me? Wow I love him.

Exploring the boarding for treasure

came up empty handed

He finally got all my letters!!!! :) I was so happy! 4 letters from me, a few from my little sisters, a bunch from his family and his greenie package with lots of notes and letters from friends and family. He seemed so happy to finally get it, two months without mail is a long time on a mission! Haha :)

Mine and my sister's letters and notes :)

all of his letters! The senior couple joked that he stole the whole mission's mail 

Elder Jena wanting to steal his mail haha

Greenie package! Hey I wrote that :)

He's the cutest. That's all.

Photobooth pictures have been our thing since we started dating, so I decided to send him one every month :)

Some of my letters and souvenirs and such 

It was the end of transfers so they got a new Elder, his name is Elder Razafindrakoto and he is from Madagascar. He speaks Malagasy and French but doesn't speak much English, but Mikel says he's way cool and funny. He gets to interact with some pretty cool and diverse people! 

Elder Ikube left also.  He was their Zone Leader but just got
transferred and is heading to Lesotho.  He had the chance to teach 
with him during exchanges and he said he is super powerful and he looks
up to him a lot.

Mikel and Elder Done. he played for Alta and goes home 
in two transfers, he looks up to him a lot, and says
he is way cool and a great missionary. 

He sounds so happy and like he is doing so well. I miss him so much but I'm so proud of what he is doing! It's hard right now because I'm experiencing so many new things and playing college soccer and I just wish he was here to see that, but I wouldn't want him to be anywhere else. He gave me access to his Dropbox account where he puts all of his pictures (I'm a picture freak, so I love this) and the other day I was looking through and I found a video!!! I could see him and hear his voice and I seriously almost cried. It's crazy how something little like hearing the sound of his voice can just bring in a flood of emotion but it did. I really needed that. 

I talked about in my last post how we were going to study something together, and it's amazing already! He is so in tune to the spirit because what we are reading is so relevant to my life right now it's insane. And I'm grateful for his insight and testimony because it's such a strength to me.

Around the boarding where he stays:

"oh my goodness Haiy your email actually made me cry I couldnt hold it back like I usually do haha! :) I love your email I can see how much you are enjoyuing things now compared to before when you were so scared and frazzled haha I love you and I love being able to read this email and remember your personality and how much I love you. It makes me so happy to hear how great your week was. You played!!!! wow freshman playing the full game, thats pretty insane, I just think about two years youll be the star of the team ;) well you are to me already haha. I love that you are loving playing and getting along with the team, its a nice change from a stressful club season to finally be with a team that you are bonding with. :) I love you so much its not even possible for me to declare haha.

Man sounds like an incredible week! Ive spent every night this week really holding your blanky tight, i think its all in my head but i swear i can still smell you in it haha. sounds so weird to say haha.

the thing that made me happiest is I got mail this week! and 4 letters from you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ah i loved them so much, you are by far hands down the best girlfriend in the entire world and no one can question it or ill beat them up! You made my letters seem wimpy though haha I need to write better ones to compete haha :) it was amazing to get mail I got close to twenty letters in all ranging from june to the end of july.

Some quote I liked this week are...

"We become more substantive as we serve others - indeed it is easier to find ourselves because there is so much more of us to find."

"A saint is a sinner who keeps on trying" if we dont try we are latter day sinners, if we dont persevere we are latter day quitters.

"When we put God first all other things fall into their proper place or drop out of our lives." 

"Being a latter day saint is a way of life, something 7 days a week."

"Who does Gods work will get Gods Pay"

"The great test of life is obedience to God
The great task of life is to learn the will of God and then do it
The great commandment of life is "thou shalt love the lord thy God with all thy hear, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength."

Romans 8:28 "All things shall work together for good to them that love God"

If you want a good read, start in 3 Nephi chapter 10 and continue through chapter 11

I love you so much and I love your emails!

Elder North"

Man I miss him.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Remember Your Worth!

2 months down already?? Time has flown! It's amazing to think back on the first day after he left and how I felt like time couldn't go any slower, and now it's like it's never going to slow down (which I'm totally okay with). I've loved noticing the change in him already. His love and testimony of the gospel has grown and his desire to share it has grown as well!

He had a meal of goat head this week, which sounds absolutely disgusting to me. He said it tasted really good but the texture wasn't very good. It was the last week of transfers and he said sometimes missionaries get lazy during that time. They had to take their car into the shop again but luckily it was given back to them more quickly than last time.

street soccer is everywhere there

I was just kind of laying in bed thinking the other day, and I was thinking about Mikel and I and our relationship and how we could strengthen it these next two years. So I had the idea that we could choose something to study from (scriptures, church books, etc) and study those together and then talk about them in our emails. He seemed way excited about that idea so we're starting this week! He chose to study from The Teachings of the Prophet Ezra Taft Benson. I'm excited for us to learn together and share our testimonies!

My favorite thing that he shared this week was in his mass letter home and it was about our worth. "A topic I have been emphasizing to a lot of people the past couple weeks is that we all have value. Our value dosnt change upon the mistakes we make or our decisions. The world sees otherwise, as you do something bad your value decreases but this is not the case. Our Father in Heaven sees us all as his children and loves us more than we can ever know. No matter what we do He will always love us. He sees our true value, a value that is never changing and always great. Remember that YOU have value and even when we feel like rubbish and like we are worthless, think again and embrace the love that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have for you!" 

A place to get haircuts, but they don't know how to cut white people's hair haha

photo booth! He said it reminded me of him, it was one of our things :)

Life just keeps right on changing but I'm so grateful that I still have him. His testimony every week is exactly what I need to hear and I always look forward to Mondays. 22 more months to go!

Elder Katimbo, Mikel, Elder Agyeman, Elder Jena

Mikel and his companion with some investigators.

"I was thinking a lot about you last night but the strangest thing happend, Instead of crying like I usually do and I did at first, I started to just smile because of all the tings you are! I was just thinking about how soft your cheecks were and how I would play with your hair and how I loved looking into your eyes, how I loved trying to make you giggle, reading lips and laughing, kisses on the forehead and so much more and I just started to smile because I just realized how happy those things made me, just being with you made me the happiest I have ever been and I couldnt help but smile while I thought of us.

I gave a blessing to a little girl 8 years old yesterday and it just made me feel as if I was a father giving a fathers blessing and I just felt so good afterward I cant explain it I was just happy and filled with joy! It made me excited to be able to bless my children with power and protection and guidance. I love the power found in this incredible gospel!

Im the same way absolutly everything reminds me of you and not a day goes by where I dont miss you and remember us.

I love you babe so much!

Love you then, now, and forever
Elder mookie"

Friday, August 14, 2015


This post has gotten pushed to the side a little throughout the week because of soccer, moving into the dorms and whatnot. So I'm just barely getting around to it and it's almost Monday again!

He had a way cool experience on P-day last week where he got to pet some African animals! There was a lion, cheetah, black panther, and another animal that he couldn't remember the name of. These pictures are so cool!!

baby cheetah!! Can't decide who is cuter.. ;)

black panther




he wanted a hug haha

That awesome day they had turned into a long night. Elder Jena, his companion, has been sick for a few weeks now and started to get some sharp pains in his chest. They went to the hospital and it wasn't as much help as you would like, they spent over an hour waiting for a doctor. They left there by 2AM after an IV and some medication and the doctor just said its probably worms from the water. Mikel said he didn't like the water.. good call!

eating pap at a member's house

his planner :)

nasty spider!

I told him about my dad giving me a blessing before I moved out, and he said some really sweet things about my dad. He looks up to him and how he holds the priesthood and respects the Lord and the Spirit. That was cute to read :) In church that week he said they focused a lot on families, and I really liked what he wrote: "I love the respect the teach that you should have for your spouse and I love the way they teach about raising families, Elder Jena always says to fams we are teaching that "A family that prays together, stays together." Its so true and all sunday I was just thinking about how great Im going to strive to treat you as my wife, and how much Im going to love our kids and how much I look forward to family study and prayer it is just ah I cant wait. I just love how family oriented this gospel is. A quote I heard by Elder Bednar in the MTC was "Salvation is Individual, Exaltation is a family matter." Another thing in church while learning about families and raising kids and what not, I really liked that in the book we were reading from it said to council and rely on the lord, pray often as a couple for guidance. as parents you can receive revelation for your children and that made me so excited as well."

little rodeo he said reminded him of me

cool stone lion at a house

He said he's been missing home a lot this last week, which makes him easy to frustrate and upset. He misses his mom and is really sad that my letters haven't gotten to him yet :( I'm really sad about that too, because I've sent like 5 and none of them have gotten there. So I hope they get there soon. 

Almost two months down! I've really been struggling lately, but without the bad days how could we have the good?

"I cant eat oranges anymore without thinking of you haha, even just the color orange because its your favorite color. I started the otherday to Mark any scripture that makes me think of you in orange :) I really like it and it helps comfort me :) I left my scriptures but ill have you tell you what I highlite. Also chap stick You know how I dont really use it that often but I pulled it out the other day and Its the same one from my car and now whenever I put it on I just think of you and how whenever you got in my car you would always put it on, or if you had some you would re apply frequently and if it was flavoured I would find out what it taste like haha. Pretty much everything makes me think of you, smile and reminisce.

So I talk about you alot of course. Me and Elder jena were at a members house who just got engage and we were talking and the women said that we didnt know about love and we were all like eh! what do you mean! Jena told me that he actually prayed that we would stay together and get married because he said a dear john would destroy me because I talk about you so much haha so I was like sweet I got another person praying for us to be together haha. 

while on our way home from some service saturday morning we saw some people getting on horses and decided to go and check it out. It turned out to be like some horse event where they ride the horses through poles and what not, it was actually quite boring but it made me think of you. Seeing all the cowgirls and what not just made me think of us listening to country music and how you made me fall in love with country.

Driving manual is ruff, Im a pro at driving it, its super easy now and feels normal, its ruff for two reasons. one because I think of the times when we would hold hands and shift together or I would shift for you and just having fun and laughing. and two because I cant eat food while driving which really bust my buffers haha. we were driving at night and the stars were super pretty and it just made me think of our night drive in my dad buckie and we would just get blankeys and go up the mountain and cuddle and talk and look at the starts. Every time we did that I just would re fall in love with you so hard!

with faith the size of a mustard seed you can move mountains, I have faith that we will be together again and forever and I know that with a little bit of faith all things are possible. I love you babe from my toes to my nose and Im always with you in prayer giving you strength in comfort.

Always in love with you
Elder North"