Elder Mikel North

Elder Mikel North
South Africa Durban Mission June 2015-2017

Saturday, April 23, 2016

The 10th Month

10 months down woot woot! He got news this week that he will be staying in Lesotho for another transfer with Elder Woodland! He's way excited about that and is looking forward to continuing working with him. In his mass email this week he just included what he wrote to his mission president, so I'll put that in here!

"The learning never stops! We have been blessed to be able to work closely with the Chandlers in teaching at a college of EMT students. I feel like I should be one of the students as well because when the Chandlers share there part of the lesson I always learn something new. I hope one day I can be as wise as Elder Chandler, Huls, or Roberts. It never stops to amaze me on how vast their knowledge really is. The Senior couples are a real blessing to me throughout my mission. I remember when I first came on mission and was struggling over homesickness, Sister Huls was there to step in a help me through that through here motherly character. It was calming and needed. The Roberts shared such a love for the gospel that we all need and all of the Senior couples have set the very best example to the missionaries in ways of conduct and attitude. It makes me excited for the day I get to serve as a senior couple.... but for now I get the pleasure of full time proselyting missionary!

This week we were able to meet with an investigator family twice. This family is nothing like any other family I have ever taught before. We came back to their house to follow up on lesson one and to our great surprise, they didnt just read the pamphlet but had filled out every available space in the margins with questions and thoughts and concerns. They are so prepared and I love it! they ask great questions and understand so well. They love learning the principles and have started to realize they love it because its true! the family consists of a Man and women who are not yet married but have been "married"for some time now. they have a baby on the way and love the concept of eternal families and temples and celestial glory! I look forward to every visit that we have with them because the spirit always fills the room. This one family makes your whole mission worth while, We have set them on a b-date and are praying hard that they continue to progress, money is a bit of an issue to get to church but we know with faith and their earnest desire that there will be a way.

We have also found many people that dont live in our area but live in other missionaries areas. We have found great joy in seeing them progress and come to church and prepare for baptism as well.

This transfer has just blown by and Elder Woodland and I are excited to start out a new transfer with experience with each other and the area, we hope this will make this transfer the most effective yet. We are excited to get the member missionary work rolling to a good start.

This coming Sunday we will be having a baptism from every set of missionaries in our district. I have never had this happen in my area and it has been great to be apart of it.

Thank you for your love and support and confidence in us,
Elder North"

They went on a hike to Semonkong waterfall and he sent lots of pictures!

"Moving grass?"

This week was the last full week of classes and spring soccer is officially over! I can't believe how fast this semester has gone. We're almost right back to where I began this whole college soccer adventure, and almost to the year mark of his mission! It's amazing to look back and see how much both of us have grown and matured and what we have learned in this time apart. I think that the coolest thing to me is how much we have grown together has we have been apart. I'm so thankful to have had him supporting me through this past school year, ACL injury and all! (6 months post surgery this week!) Now I just have to finish out the semester strong!

"I sat with some Bosotho ntati's I am holding some traditional beer called umqombothi, it smelled so bad!"

"I think that I am indeed Elder North"

"Bored and can't sleep.."

"we are true bosotho people!!!! we see people like this everyday"

Buy a pig head at the store!

Some students in their EMT class

And I just liked the email that he sent to me so I'll include that too :)
"Heavenly Father needs someone that will be able to help lift others from low places, the best way to help someone climb something is if you had to climb it yourself. You can now relate better than anyone, you can help better than anyone and although we may not have wanted it, blessing lay hidden. 

what is the team leadership? you were voted in that means other people are seeing the same thing I am, a strong leader. thats you babe!

eish arnt you gald we are past the first week of leaving on mission. that was soooo hard!!!!! we are so close to our year mark of coming together again :) :) :) wow.... crazy

what your birth day is important it is the day the most amazing angel from heaven descended to come here to earth and somehow retained most of her angelic attributes! that is a pretty spectacular day if you ask me!!! :) 

the people are doing great well the two progressing investigators we have that is haha

the best part about listening to it all is that I do really care about all of it, every last detail! <3

love you babe stay safe, smile, love
Elder Mookie"

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