Elder Mikel North

Elder Mikel North
South Africa Durban Mission June 2015-2017

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Golden Investigators

I thought this week was crazy, but this coming week is going to be insane. Two more finals, moving out of the dorms, moving back into my house, packing for a 10 day trip to Europe, and then leaving for that trip all within a span of 5 days. AHH I don't know how I'm going to get everything done but it has to happen haha. My first year of college will be officially over on Tuesday! I say this every week but time is crazy and it just flies right by. Summer here we come!

I'll start by including what he said about their current investigators this week. One couple, the Nelson's, sound so awesome and he has nothing but good things to say about them!

"So this week our power family Nelson and his wife, we taught them some awesome Plan of Salvation stuff and they loved it. Ms. Nelson (I dont know her name) Is pregnant and is loving the gospel thus far. we found out that they are not married so we will have to push their baptism till after they are legaly married, we hope we dont run into any issues with labola and what what. Labola is when you have to pay like 15 cows to the parents of the wife. sorta a dowry but different. It is cause for a lot of people to not get married. they read the book of mormon and study the lessons we give them. when we leave them with a pamphlet they will fill up two to three full pages of notes they have taken or questions they have. they are what we call "Golden Investigators" I have never met a family so prepared in all of my months haha."

That's what he sent in the mass email, but he also talked about them with me so I'll include that as well because he talked about them a little differently in our letter.

"my two investigators well let me tell you alittle about nelson because I think of you while we are there. so nelsons wife is pregnant and due to give birth withing then next few weeks. really anytime now. everytime I go there I just see this beautiful women carring a daughter or son of God who has been waiting and waiting to come to earth, everytime I go there I think of you as I feel the baby kick. every time I long to be with you forever and to start our own eternal family. evertime I see this soon to be mother's face light up as she hears and learns of a celestial marrage of the temple and sealing power and being with the ones she loves most for eternity. I love this family so much because I see us. and I see how important the gospel is in that "to be" family. they are doing well and still progressing. they have to get legally married before they can be baptized so we are currently working on that."     :)

Then he also talked about another investigator who struggles because she knows the church is true but doesn't have any friends there. She goes to a different church where all of her friends are even though she knows that our church is the true church.

"the other person I wanna talk about is a less active who goes to another church, at this other church she has friends and people she loves, at our church which she knows is true, she dosnt have any fellowship, any friends which makes it hard to feel like she belongs. I couldnt help but let my mind think of you and the trials and struggles you are going through right now. we listend to parts of patterns of light by elder Bednar which is fantastic and about faith and how we need to exercise it. we bore testimony of our love and Gods love and have asked her to pray, pray to know what to do. and that is what we all need to do. Pray and have faith. Romons 8:28"

I have had a very difficult time making friends this school year and it has made it hard to have the desire to go to church because it's hard to go alone. I know that it's what I need and I do have a strong testimony of it but it's difficult to feel like an outsider with no one to make you feel welcome into the ward family. So I totally understand what she is struggling with, but as he said so perfectly we need to have faith and take that leap of faith. God loves us and knows what we need and will give it to us.

"So this week was week of transfers, there is a new greenie in our area from SA he is an english man from Jo'Burg. his name is I think Elder Ardland or something I really dont know and also if you remember, Elder Thorson who is in my district in Toti, He was serving in Margate so this is cool :)

We had the opportunity to work with Elder Khopoche, he is from here and will be going to Botswana for his mission but his visa didnt come so he is home bound with Elder Dean in Lirebe. but we had him for two and a half days and he is power! woot woot. Ill talk more of him in a bit, actually now.

so I like this adding my email to the mission president thing, but I may leave part and pieces out. best part is you will never know ;)

We are not sure where we are planning to meet after we split, but the talk is that we will meet in our area which will help a lot I think. It is currently about a 15 to 20 min drive to church from where we stay.

Our progressing couple are due to have a baby any time so we have been unable to see them due to sickness and being in and out of the hospital for preparations. we hope that them having a baby will really open up their spiritual eyes and help them understand and feel a greater love that Heavenly Father has for His children.

I had the opportunity to add up all my stats for my entire mission thus far. It was very cool for me to see what I have done in the past ten months. I was able to set goals for the end of my mission that I think will push me to continue to "Finish Strong" when the time comes. 

Sad news for this week is that we had a baptism scheduled but the water in the town wasn't working so we were unable to fill up the font and now have to push the baptism back three weeks. Major bummer of the week but it will come. 

Highlight of the week was working with Elder Khopoche, It is true what you say about the "greenies" the are the fire and most valuable missionaries we have in the mission. Even though he was very much at home he still brought a spirit of urgency, excitement, and love for missionary work that I didnt even know has dimmed a bit. We had a wonderful two and a half days with him, teaching but at the same time learning so much. He will be a fantastic missionary and I am glad I got the privilege to serve with him, even if it was just for a few days. 

So we also went like three days without water one time, that sucked....

Other news, a power youth named peter has dropped off the face of the earth and another cool guy has told us he dosnt want us to visit anymore and another lady refused to believe that God has given us more than just the bible..... eish..... mission can be tough. we meet a lot of people and most of it dosnt go our way. I did the numbers and I have sat down in someones home to share the gospel over 800 times in the ten months I have been on mission.... now I havnt yet added up all the contacts and referrals but that would probably be thousands and those would be the contacts that I counted as we contacted not just someone I gave a pamphlet or a pass a long card to. Mission is cool :)

We are always trying to improve, well because there is so much to improve on, but by the grace of God we get bye. as I have said. God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good."

I got a letter this week!!! Well actually, it was multiple letters in one (some of them from September of last year) but it made me so happy. It's crazy because there was so much in those letters that I needed to hear and they were written months ago. It was also cool to read the letter from September compared to the letter from this month because there is such a difference in the way he writes and what he writes about and the power of his testimony. I love it! :)

"wow literally my heart just started beeting fast I could feel my cheeks get red because I can just hear and feel how happy and relieved you are, or were when you wrote this haha. ah it makes me feel so good to hear you like this. to hear you be fully yourself. ah I love you I dont know how you do it but just in reading your email that you think is lame but is totally awesome and I love each of them so much and dont want you to shorten them at all! They just make me so happy and fall so hard in love you with every day. I love soccer and I love you even more and you put the two things together and you get the most irresistible thing on earth haha which is you, playing soccer. ah I cant wait to come to your games and be your biggest fan, yes Ima be a bigger fan than your mom... youll see. ;)

Elder Mookie"

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