Elder Mikel North

Elder Mikel North
South Africa Durban Mission June 2015-2017

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Knocking on Doors

So on Monday he started responding to my email, but the place where they go to email closed on them so he wasn't able to really email me this week. But he got a little bit of time on Tuesday to write so he sent out his mass email and some pictures so I'll just post those :)

"Lets see where do I begin on this week, well first off I really feel like I have only been in Lesotho for about a week but yet we are going through my fourth week which really does just blow my mind.

We had exchanges with the AP's (assistants to the president) it was awesome Elder King came with us, sadly I forgot to take a picture to show yall, but he is such a power guy, We had some nice conversations about life and home and who we are so that was really cool. He is from Montana is a strait rancher type of guy, big, strong, and works hard. We contacted a lot of people and were able to even enter into their homes on the first visit and teach them the gospel. Now its just getting a second appointment and then getting them to actually come to church!"

"There is a member called Lucky who leaves for his mission in Botswana this week which is weird being a missionary already and seeing someone leave, He is going to be a good missionary though and I am way excited for him. We got to go to his farewell party which was interesting because it wasn't like the farewells back home, we played music and danced and it was like a normal party but then we all gathered round and each person gave their thoughts and last advice for Lucky's mission, and we recorded the whole thing so he could take it with him on mission. 

Still knocking a lot of doors this week and next and prob the week after just trying to get some of them to progress and I pray they do."

"We had a good DDM (district development meeting) I taught on Christ-like attributes and we played a kind of jeprody game with it so it was a lot of fun, we learned and just enjoyed so that was really nice. My district is awesome, I have Elder Vanwinkle and Odhiambo, Vanwinkle is from Arizona is a country man, loves his country music and so we get a long on that, too bad he can sing and play the guitar as well which of course makes me jealous! Odhiambo is from Tanzania, he says dang it all the time and laughs so loud, they are our zone leaders and they are the best. Then there is Elder Tsuma from and Sithole from Zimbabwe, they are fun, I have been around Tsuma before so we already know each other well and Sithole is still a newer missionary but not really green anymore because he is done with training. Over all its a good bunch of missionaries and seems to be all of us are working hard in the Lords vineyard.

Thank you all for your prayers and love!
Elder North"

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