Elder Mikel North

Elder Mikel North
South Africa Durban Mission June 2015-2017

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Short & Sweet

He didn't have much time to email this week, but he did send some pictures so I'll post those :)

"its okay though, I think two years of loneliness dosnt compare to eternity of companionship.

Aye sitting on the bench is never fun. Believe me I know haha #benchbuddies haha kind of funny because I would have never thought you would also be on the bench, the difference is I wasnt injured I just sucked haha.

I love that talk and I just love how he says if it (the gospel) isnt working for you then just step back, its supposed to be simple and dont make it complected.

sorry not much time this week :("

"Cute pics with Elder Malala, Pinkston and Kaitoo"

"I spray painted the back of my phone while doing service with spray paint with a member. I think it looks quite lekker (nice)"

"I also ended up covering my hand in paint, sadly not picture because I obviously don't want paint on my camera, I sprayed my ring as well haha, hey why not."

"It's better in person, I promise."

"Elder Katioo, me, Pinkston"

"Paintballing!! Accept the message or die.."

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