Elder Mikel North

Elder Mikel North
South Africa Durban Mission June 2015-2017

Monday, March 14, 2016

Happy Birthday Elder North!

Today is his 19th birthday! On his 17th birthday, we had only been dating for a month or so and he had a game that day, so we just went to dinner and had pie at his house with his family. Last year for his 18th birthday we ate razzles at a park and swung on the swings before we went to dinner and saw a movie. It's weird not to be with him on his birthday this year but he's spending it in the best way - serving the Lord! He said he had a dream about me last night though: "Haha funny story, I had a dream about you last night. I came home for something I cant remember but we got to spend the whole day together but I was having to leave again to come back here and I was sad and gave you another last kiss goodbye which I never want to do. I hate good byes!!!! but It was nice to see you and we were being our goofy silly selves running around an apartment building haha it kinda made me happy. it was like a secret birthday present from you."
I'm kinda bummed because I sent him his birthday package over a month ago and he still hasn't gotten it, and since he got transferred he won't be getting it for a month or so. Oh well.

It's crazy to think back on how much time has passed since we started dating. We were only 16 when we met and that feels so young and so long ago but honestly I still don't feel much older than that. Time is a strange thing. We're coming up on 9 months since he left and that just blows my mind. It's been amazing to see the changes in both of us as we have grown and matured over the time of knowing each other, especially in this time of being apart. From just little 16 year old kids to 18 year old saying goodbye to 19 year old "adults" haha. I'm thankful that I've had him by my side through all of it.

"So yes I have left the country of South Africa and entered into the mountain Kingdom of Lesotho. The language spoken hear is Sotho and you find a lot of people who don't speak English so that tough. I learned a lot of Zulu in my last area where I could greet and ask some questions and some simple demands. I know no Sotho so I feel so lost in the language and communicating with people. It's a beautiful and mountainous place. It does in fact snow here so I am hoping to get the chance to go snow boarding. That's right snow boarding in Africa! Who else can say that?

My new companion is Elder Woodland from Davis Utah. He is a fun guy and we have been getting along really well. but his teaching needs some improvement. I am not really sure if he knows why he is here, he needs to learn the order of the lessons a little better but overall we have been having fun but I am worried that we will ahve to much fun. I really want to work and do good here but I am not sure if he feels the same haha but we have worked pretty well adn since I am his leader I get to really decide what we do and if I want he has no say. so I know we will end up working had which will be good. haha I have been likeing him though. being a district leader dosnt mean much, leadership positions are just a part of mission if you get it or not it dosnt matter. and so its nothing really special. I just have to call in and safe every night and host our district meetings each week and interview the missionaries in my district and just a few other things. but its been good.

We are excited to pick up the work here in Lesotho. I work in an area called Maseru. It's starting to cool down. It is no where near as hot as Toti is right now and it's really dry here and my lips are chapped... eish.......

Missing my families in Toti but already off to a great start here in Lesotho. We started off Friday morning with a cultural day to celebrate Moshoeshoe Day, who is the king of Lesotho I believe. We slaughtered 2 sheep early in the morning so I got some lekker pictures of that. We ate the heart and the men ate the intestine. haha....... ew........ Just about as good as you could imagine which for me wasn't that good haha, we got to be apart of some of the dances and things like that so it was really cool.

The Sotho people are famous for their blankets that they wear all year round, their hats, gum boots, and Shepard sticks. Hopefully I can get some of these traditional items.

The currency is different here so thats cool, it's the same as the rand in terms of economical strength."

"I have to pay to email now which is a bummer but you gotta do what you gotta do.

Yay for extra allotment. so in Lesotho things are more expenisve and you maybe get fed once a week.... if you are lucky. So you are on your own breakfast lunch and dinner every day which gets expensive. now we get the same amount of money as the rest of the mission and it just dosn't work, missionaries have been talking to president and it sounds like we should be getting a little extra money from now on... I sure hope so haha.

Well I have been loving this beautiful place and people already!!! oh ya and domelang mean hello!"

"Well my birthday is um... just another day haha. I actually didnt realize it was my birthday till I was looking in my planner around 8 oclock this morning and saw it said birthday at the top haha. nothing special planned. I did eat french toast though which was pretty lekker.

Love you always babe

Elder North"

Happy 19th Birthday Mookie!

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