Elder Mikel North

Elder Mikel North
South Africa Durban Mission June 2015-2017

Sunday, February 28, 2016


"This was a pretty power week, it went by way to fast though, I feel like Monday was two days ago but here I am again.

We had zone conference this week which is always awesome, to make it even better we finally got to watch the world wide broadcast to all the missionaries, this happend like a month ago but because it would have been aired while we were sleeping we watched it later. It was awesome and I learned a lot of things from it. Its so funny how much I enjoy things like church, conference and talks compared to when I was home and struggled to get through them looking at the clock wishing the time to go. But now! I love it, maybe its because its talking about my life pretty much, they talk about gospel things and as missionaries we eat and sleep the gospel, heck I dream about teaching investigators, or investigators being bogus and want not haha.

Teaching is not talking, it is listening and observing. this is what David A Bednar stated in a teaching discussion he had. I really liked this because he talked about how we need to be present in the lessons, when our companion is teaching we need to be teaching as well by paying attention and discerning the investigators needs. there was so much taught that I would love to share but I realize that it would be quite boring for me to practically teach a missionary conference to you."

His Zone, Umlazi

One of their investigators that was supposed to get baptized last week bunked them for his interview and they haven't been able to see him again to see what's going on. Mikel said that makes him sad because he's worked with him since his first week in this area and knows that he's sincere and wants to be baptized. Hopefully they can figure out what's going on. He wants to see him make those first steps towards the Savior and be baptized before he gets transferred.

Last week I was telling him about how badly I want to be able to play when we go on our international trip in May, even though that's probably not very realistic. I just thought it was cute what his reply was :) "I knew it would be your goal to play by then, and I have been praying that you will be able to atleast play a minute while there. I always worry that you will push yourself to hard though and it scares me, so remember to listen to your traineer, and I am sure they have said the same thing to you way to many times and I am the last person who you want to hear it from but I love you and want you to be 100 percent as fast as possible with no unexpected set backs. I always smile when I hear about your improvement and I can just hear the joy in your voice when you get to touch the ball. I miss playing soccer with you!!!"

A bird in their apartment, still alive

I also was telling him about how I've been feeling lonely, which isn't new because I've been feeling that way pretty much since college started haha. It's hard to find friends in such a big school and I'm not a super outgoing person so that makes it even harder. Some days are better than others and I will say that I'm very happy right now and most of the time I don't feel lonely, but there are occasions where I do and it's not very fun. He told me that's he's feeling pretty lonely too which always makes me sad. I wish there was a way that I could fix that.

Washing their clothes in the sink because their washer broke

"My favorite pictures :)"


"So I really like Elder Adams, He is awesome and I got a long well with him and our personalities really matched up, he was only here for 5 weeks then got transfered. When he left it was crazy to see how much the members really loved him and it made me feel I guess inadequate would be the word. I was here longer but I dont feel like I have made the impact that he did and that everyone likes him so much more #curseyoupride And Elder Adams calls Kaitoo, who lives with us and who he talked to often while here but he never calls me and I always just feel like I suck haha I mean I was his companion and I really like Adams and thought we were good friends but he hasnt called me once and calls K2 twice a week or more, so It makes me feel kind of lonely too, and throws me back to High school where I felt the same way, I had friends but were they really really my friends and did they actually want to be around me.... I dont know I just felt like sharing with you especially since I think it relates to you also feeling lonely. we can be lonely together haha. It makes me ever more greateful for you and having someone that actaully makes me feel loved, someone who I feel actaully sincerley cares about me, for me. I am so lucky to have you. thank you, and I cant say it enough of how much I love and respect you. You are an example to me every single day and I desire to become more like you so much, you are so amazing and when I look at myself I honestly dont see how we ended up together and how I managed to even know someone as special as you.

always with love,
Elder Mookie"

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