Elder Mikel North

Elder Mikel North
South Africa Durban Mission June 2015-2017

Saturday, February 20, 2016

8 Months!

"I learned that malala means "I am sleepy" which fits Elder malala quite nicely so it was kinda funny.

So there were a few tender mercies this week which is always just fantastic. We were in town tracting which means we were ringing buzzers. You don't knock because there is a gate so you can't get to the door so instead you just ring the buzzer and hope they answer. If they do answer they tell you to go away. So we finished an hour of rejection and headed back to our car. We were almost back when a guy stopped us and asked if we could speak. He is a pastor of another church and he recognized us from the area. It just went to show that we need to be out, even if we are thinking we are unproductive and getting no where. People see us and people recognize us. So I am looking forward to our meeting with him.

Every night I wake up with at least 5 more bug bites and it has been pretty annoying. I ended up spraying bug spray all over my bed to go to sleep haha."

HAHA this made me laugh out loud :)

Something that Mikel and I talked about in our personal email this week was what I learned at my institute devotional. Marshall McDonald, a famous composer, came and spoke to us about direction. He talked about how we may not always know where we are going, but if we just keep moving God will direct us. It's easier to guide something while it is moving than when it's standing still. I loved that because sometimes I feel like I am just going through life without any real direction and I want God to tell me right away where I should go. But that's not how He works :) He will guide us as we are moving, not while we are waiting to be told what to do. I loved what he said about it: "That is such a true thought that we need to be moving and let him guide us. I have seen it in my own life that God will wait for us to act then help us along the path we have chosen or help us correct back to the right path but he usually doesnt just answer our questions, trials, and fears off the bat without any of our own effort."

"My fav soccer player!" :)

"Okay so I said I would talk about the Cebekulu family, Well I hope I spelled their name right because I honestly have no idea haha. They are one of our favorite families ever! We get to see them once a week and share a short message or join them for FHE and they always feed us. When they feed, they feed. What I mean by that is by the time you leave the house you have gained 2kg (thats about 2.5lbs)  its crazy, its like they want to kill us..... with food! It's a love hate relationship for sure. The best part is they are a strong family and when you go there you just feel at home. You can have fun, laugh and enjoy and also get real serious when you need to talk about the gospel. It is an appointment we look forward to every week. They are a Zulu family and we always have a good time visiting. The family consist of Ma and Baba, then Hle, who has a child 8 years old named Buhle which means beautiful and then Pindi who is 29 but looks 19 and Toola who is 22.

A Mormon message which made me think of and miss Zaner.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWU6UbGgmT4" (Zane is his little brother who is the cutest little guy! Love him.)

I love this picture!

This week he will have been out for 8 MONTHS. WHAT. Where has the time gone?? It still feels like every day is so slow but every week is so fast. This week also marks 4 months since my knee surgery! That's gone by fast too. I'm so thankful that I still have his support and love in everything I do, even if he is 10,235 miles away. Here's to an even quicker 16 more months! ;)

"Yes definitely a not ideal valentines day. especially when all I think about is you and how many awesome adventures we went on and how much fun we had. and how much I love you and miss just being able to snuggle you and give your forehead a kiss as I am enchanted by the smell of your perfume that makes me fall comfortably asleep haha.. aye I miss it so so much!!!!

well my week was pretty good I would say :) We had some great tender mercies and met some cool people that seem interested in coming church or coming back to church which is always a good thing, but we will see if they actually follow through. Sorry didnt mean to scare you, I am fine. exhausted and sore from all the soccer I have been playing. we practice on friday and then the missionaries got together and played again on saturday. I am happy not because I am out of the GK position. they decided I would play midfield because they dont have someone that will track back to defend and hold the ball to get up, so itll be nice to play there now. Elder Malala is still great! Miss you a ton still, which after 8 months it still physically hurts to miss you, which I guess is a good thing haha. Malala caught me sitting on my bed looking at pictures of you the other day. I just said hey, what can a guy do haha.

You should totally talk to tish! she is so funny! friend her on FB! I know my mom has haha. Oh ya I may have mentioned you here or there while we were visiting portia and sam.... okay you got me, maybe I talked about you a lot a lot.

Elder North."

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