Elder Mikel North

Elder Mikel North
South Africa Durban Mission June 2015-2017

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Transfers and Cute Kiddos

It was the last week of transfers and he says that those are always the rough ones work wise, but it was still a good week. His companion, Elder Jena, is being transferred and he's sad to see him go but is excited to get his next companion! His name is Elder Mashaba and he is from Zimbabwe.

Not a greenie anymore!

They have started teaching Philda, the woman that a less active member brought to church last week, and he said she pretty much already knows everything! She wants her son to learn more about the gospel too. He hopes that he will be able to see her progress a lot before he is transferred!

He says the weather is getting super hot, around 90 most days. They had a crazy thing happen, there was a shooting at a school nearby so they had to be put on lock down and there were tanks and stuff driving around. Scary! 

He had his first Braai in Africa, which is a barbeque so he loved it. In his words, "There is just something about braaing that makes you feel like a man. Cookin your own meat is so satisfying." hahaha

I loved his testimony this week in the mass email: "I feel I need to say that I love this gospel, and so can you. Its not easy and like our prophet Joseph Smith once said, I don't know the exact quote, a religion that doesn't require much of us can't give us much in return. Yes it can be tough but it is worth it. Eternal life, the greatest gift our Father in Heaven has for us to return and live with him again!!!! Life is tough and my companion likes to say but we can do it with His help. Something that we say on mission is that no one will make it fun for you, you need to make your mission fun. The same applies for life, no one is going to go out of their way to make your life great but you can chose to make it happy. Something Hailey told me that I would like to share is God didn't create us to be sad. He created us to be Happy! it is a choice, a decision we have to make for ourselves, no its not easy but it is possible and it is easier through Christ. Give me any life challenge, question, concern or whatever and you can find help and answer to, in the book of Mormon! It teaches the fullness of the everlasting gospel and testifys with real power the truth of Christ and his divinity, I encourage you all to read, ponder and pray. to pray with real intent meaning to act on the answers given and I can promise you will be blessed, your life will become better, your relationships easier your love greater, your joy fuller. I love you all and pray for the best that you may have hope in all things and love the Lord your Savior. 

Love the Lord and serve him the very best you can!"

Some shorter emails this week but that's okay, I enjoy hearing from him no matter what :) There were some of the cutest pictures ever of him and some little kids this week and some of them just made me tear up. Little kids adore him and he's so good with them. I love that about him.



Okay this one made me cry. the cutest ever.

Life is hard but bad days come to an end and tomorrow is a chance to start over and try again :)

"anyways, man your life is crazy!!! those puffy pants sound pretty funny :) I hope you meet someone who knows who they are, someone you can trust and have a solid friendship with soon. I can tell you were kinda stressed out this week, I know I dremt about you as well but I can never remember what happens in my dreams I just know I saw you and it was power :) I love your emails. Its a testimony builder for me to see every time you have a big challenge or need help that you find that answer and seemingly a lot from prophets and conference! I am so stoked for conference its actually something that I am looking forward to the most, that and christmas :) haha. time has flown like crazy, you are now on the team that you have looked up to for the past couple of years and now you are that person that the new freshman are looking up to. crazy...

Babe I love you so much and nothing has changed on my side, my hear still only beats for you and I am in love with you more than words could ever discribe. I love the way you talk about the temple, that should always be your eternal goal and nothing less and I would be the luckiest man to get to spend that eternity with you by my side <3 

Stay strong, You have been coming to my mind a lot this week and I have just been a little worried about you and I dont know why, so just keep to the fundamentals, pray, scriptures and church and I know you will find your way through any situation you are put in. If you have any concerns or questions or anything you need to say, I am still the same mookie and will still try my bestest to give advice and help. but the Lord knows you better than I and I actually dont like the fact that he loves you more than I do, because I want to love you the mostest but he really does love and care for you and will be there for you. I can only be here for you emotionaly and spiritually but physically I am far away, he is not, He can physically strengthen and uplift you as well as emotionally and spiritually. Faith, Hope and Charity and you will be lifted up as the last day as the scriptures promise.

With all the love a boy can have
yours now and forever and always
Elder Mookie"

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