Elder Mikel North

Elder Mikel North
South Africa Durban Mission June 2015-2017

Monday, September 7, 2015

Short but Powerful!

He didn't have much time to write today, so I got a reply to the pictures I sent him and this, which is the mass email he sent out:

"So I actually dont have much time at all to write today because we have to head down to Bloemfontein again this week and will be there for two days. its about a two hour drive so we have to leave soon so if I dont reply to anyone this week I am sorry but I will be emailing again on Friday!

This week has been awesome though, I learned a lot of things and a lot of patience with myself, investigators, and others.

So Ill write about my adventures and trials on Friday, so for today ill just share a short testimony. :)

I know that God lives, I know that His son, our Elder Brother Jesus came to earth and was reserected and lives as well. I know for sure that they love us dearly. I can testify to you that they understand you, and long for your happiness. I can promise you with a sincire and willing heart that they will lead and guide you through every decision and choice you make in this life. I am so blessed to know that truth of the restored gospel. Priesthood power, the power and authority to act in
Gods name, is real and has been restored through the prophet Joseph Smith. I love my family and find peace and comfort in the knowledge I have that through the bounds of that priesthood we are sealed together forever not just here on earth but in heaven for all of time and eternity. I know that any question and trial can be answered through the gospel of Jesus Christ, It may not happen now, or even soon but in Gods time and in His way it is bound. I love this gospel, I love my family and the support they and my friends have given me to come out and serve mission. I know that the Lord has so many blessings in store for each and every single one of us. As we are honest, faithful, and obedient the gates of Heaven will be opend and the blessings will fall upon us as rain from the sky. I have come to notice it isnt during the trials or even the good times that we realize the hand of God in our lives, but it is after a time of reflection, when we look back. We then notice that he indeed never left us but was with us through it all. I know that God will uplift you and strengthen you. You will never come to a hill you cant climb, nothing is impossible with God on our side! Trust in him, Believe in Him and love Him the very best you can and I know that if we strive to do our part, He will pick up the rest and carry us home. 

Its my testimony, Small but firm, and ever growing that He knows and loves you and me. He will never leave you, and He will strengthen and comfort you. 

I love you all and am thankful for your prayers. 

"Love the Lord and serve Him the very best you can!" this is why I am here, this is my purpose, and this is what I will try my best to do every single day for the rest of my life.

Love from the other side of the world
Elder North"


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