Elder Mikel North

Elder Mikel North
South Africa Durban Mission June 2015-2017

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

3 Months :)

Time is absolutely flying. It's a funny thing because each day feels like forever, but the weeks go by so fast. It's crazy to think about how different everything was 3 months ago, but I know that both of us are where we need to be right now.

Both his email to me and his mass email were a little shorter this week, but it's always good to hear from him. I asked him about what the biggest thing he's learned so far, and he listed a few things. First he said his love of the gospel has grown so much! He enjoys reading and learning and loves going to church each Sunday. He's gotten better about talking to people and not being shy about it. He also said he's learning not to be as stubborn. We're both pretty stubborn and that wasn't always the best thing, so maybe I should learn to not be so stubborn too :)

They haven't been having much luck with investigators lately, so that's a bummer. They did have a less active member bring a new investigator named Philda to church, so hopefully she will have the desire to be baptized! The drought in Kimberly officially ended this past week. It's been 6 months since they have had a baptism there. In Mikel's area there is still a drought, but they had three baptisms in another area. Elizabeth and Tlabiseing are two 19 year old girls that were baptized, and then Mikel got to baptize the little 8 year old Tokelo. He said it was amazing and the highlight of his mission so far! She's the little girl he got to give a blessing to and teach in the last few months.

Baptism day!


They did some service this week as well that he said was pretty intense.

Why he's trying to lick a lizard, no one will ever know.


He got to go to his first cricket match this week! He said it was alright, but mainly he just enjoyed being outside in the sun. At home he was always outside with soccer or we were doing some outdoor activity, so he enjoyed being out. But he got super sunburned so he was bright red for baptisms the next day hahaha. The weather is getting warmer there, it's the start of spring!

Just some funny pictures I found on his dropbox hahah

It was a great weekend and a hard weekend for me all at the same time. I scored my first college goal!! :) Mikel's family all got shirts with my name and number on it and it was so cute, they surprised me after the game. They're sending him one for Christmas :) It was a hard weekend because there was nothing I wanted more than to call Mikel right away or go see him and tell him all about my goal. I just wish he was here to see it.

But life is going well and I can't believe it's been 3 months! I miss him like crazy.

"I love you and miss you so much and am so grateful for you and all you have done for me and I just wanna give you a giant hug and see your beautiful smile! I love you so much and your hair and face and voice and your ability to read lips like a boss and how you made me laugh!

I love you babe, got to go. have a great week! good luck against stanford, score me a goal? Love you a lot a lot

Love always
Elder Mookie"

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