Elder Mikel North

Elder Mikel North
South Africa Durban Mission June 2015-2017

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Zone Conference, Baptisms, Transfers, Oh My!

May 23rd

In our personal email, I told him about how my teammate and I were talking about our relationship and she said that we had a pretty mature relationship for being high schoolers at the time. I would say that we did in some ways, but we were high schoolers so it couldn't have been that mature haha. But here is his email to me: "A member the other day was saying if they just listend to my voice and didnt see me, they would think I was like 30 by the way I talk, weird... they then said my companion sounds like a 18 year old haha. I dont feel like I talk any different then I did before, but I guess its a good thing, I hope I am becoming more mature, but I have a long way to go haha.

Being ma is super stressful! but I am sure you were super good at it ;)  A trip to Hawaii, that is pretty awesome! Ya, I bet she is so  happy she can play soccer again!!!

My week was awesome because of zone conference and we had a baptism this week! it made it hectic where we only worked 15 hours this week because we were in South Africa for three days but oh well. we havnt seen nelson and his family in a while so we are looking forward to seeing them. I just hope everything is going well, we are trying to get them married still.... its taking longer than I would like because of tradition and what what. my favorite scripture I read this week was proverbs 12:15

....... okay now that is just not fair, you know I cant write anything to top all of that! ah fetch I love you so bad! oh by goodness you just brought back so many memories all at once and it just hit me like, fetch! haha wow I love you so much! ah man wow haha... I am repeating my self arnt I, I tend to do that when I am flustered.... eish..... Never forget it either, never ever doubt it. I love you in every possible way! no if ands or buts, well there are ands. its and I love this, and that, and that as well and everything else haha. thank you for loving me! I dont know how you do it but I love the way you love me!

Always Elder North, ps I just sent a package with some stuff in it for you so maybe in a month or two itll get to you :)"

"We had zone conference this week, awesome for so many reasons, one of which is the two-night stay in a hotel!!! and re-entering south Africa again and getting to eat a McDonalds again since we are deprived of such here in Lesotho.

Zone conference was all about revelation. I took some real introspection and realized I have a lot of work to do on receiving better and more frequent personal revelation. In our leadership meeting we talked about the importance of councils, we will be in many councils throughout our life, most importantly marriage. We are in a council with our companion, district, zone, and mission. We get together at points and discuss together how to improve, and what to improve. I always love zone conference because we get to hear from our mission president, and hear insights from other missionaries as well. It leaves you on a spiritual high that you fight to maintain as long as possible. "

Under 400 days, whoo!!

Lesotho Zone 

"But the real exciting thing that happened this week were the baptisms that took place!

so Tsepiso was the young girl that was supposed to be baptized last month but due to water issues was pushed back a month, well finally the time came and she was able to be baptized, her testimony was amazing! She is young but knows something that many of us lack.

Next is Liako, now this girl is awesome. so we met her at the EMT class the we teach at once a week. we teach basic moral principles on a higher level that can be found in the for strength of youth. she was interested and started her journey of discipleship with meeting with the missionaries. she was taught about a month and was ready for baptism, she had made some major changes in her life and really does seem like a new person. I was blessed to be able to be the one to perform her baptism, I have really grown a love for this young women as I have seen the changes she has been making in her life and it is quite amazing and I ham just glad that I get to be a part of it."

"Remember Elder Benissan! this is his super cool and rad mom!!!!!! she said I am taller and my face is fuller then last time she saw me which was 11 months ago..."

"Liako letse (pronounced Diako letse) awesome young women!"

Zone conference

May 30th

"Transfer #9 begins

Well here we go. Transfer news has come and Elder Woodland will be leaving me, He will be going to New Castle with Elder Kaitoo.... needless to say I am jealous of that, I love Elder Kaitoo, he is such a fun guy to be around and great to talk to. I sure am going to miss him seeing how he goes home in 4 weeks. (Elder k2 goes home not Woodland)

We had a lot of fun in the area and was able to see a lot of growth here. I am sad to see Elder Woodland leave because we had so much fun working and learning together but we part to meet again as they say.

I will be receiving Elder Lenard, he has fetal alcohol syndrome and has a smile all the time. I am stoked to get him as a companion. I have met him a couple of times but never got to really know him. I know there will be a lot of things to learn from him and I hope his joyful spirit rubs off on me while we are together for the next bit of our journey through mission."

"Liako the awesome girl that I baptized got me a gift. Its me! Its so much niceness!"

"the sign at church in sesotho and english."

"we went up to the mountains to help a member dig 3,000 holes to plant trees.... its was exhausting to say the least but a good experience."

"The mountains are beautiful, all of Lesotho is beautiful!"

I can't believe it's June!! Did May even happen? It's crazy to me how fast time is flying. A year ago at this time, we had just graduated and we were trying to make the most of the last 20 or so days that we had together. I think the most interesting thing to look back on is how different we were at this time last year. Once he hits his year mark I'll post something about reflecting on the last year of my life, but for now, I'll just leave it at that :) 

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