Elder Mikel North

Elder Mikel North
South Africa Durban Mission June 2015-2017

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Another Day Another Dolla!

"We did a lot of tracting this week, knocked a lot of doors. We even spent a total of like 3 hours on the phone. We went through the area book and called every single previous investigator that had a number or gps coordinates ( their are no addressees in Lesotho.) but we got a few that seem like they could have potential and I am excited to start teaching them. Others were bogus, but hey out of calling around 30 people, ten answered and 5 let us come back and maybe 1 will get baptized. I think that's pretty grand!

I am seeing the Lords careful hand here in Lesotho. success is in the works. We should have a baptism this week of Bolelang who Elder Woodland and I started teaching so I hope she makes the deadline! we still got some stuff to cover though."

I asked him what his favorite things are about the people he is teaching, and his reply was that he loves how much people trust missionaries because they are men of God. He loves being trusted, that's seriously one of his favorite things and the people there tell missionaries some of their deepest secrets. He also loves that everyone there is religious.

"Obedience really does bring blessings! that is for sure! We have made it appoint to make sure we are doing the small stuff and wowzers its working good! I even find that I am just more awake during the day, have more energy and excitement to go knock on doors for 3 hours! its grand!

We got new pamphlets, the church now has made lesson 5 pamphlets and they are amazing and it was like Christmas getting to open them!!!!

I have started to start the New Testament and wow I am loving it. I am still in Matthew but it is amazing. There really is so much great knowledge in their. I am excited to be able to know the bible well. after the new testament comes the old!

It is getting cold! Today is super rainy. but not the good play in the rain kind because its windy and cold and everyone is walking around in their sweater, coats, scarf, ski mask, and blankets! They don't like the cold but it is pretty cold."

We've gotten some short emails as of late but that's alright, at least we're getting them :) I figured out finally how to add videos to these posts so I'll post one from a long time ago of him with Elder Adams. 

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