Elder Mikel North

Elder Mikel North
South Africa Durban Mission June 2015-2017

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Halfway There!

June 23rd marked one year since he left! It's so crazy to look back on that time and remember how I felt like time was never going to go fast enough. I remember thinking that two years is so long, even one year felt like an eternity, and yet here we are. One year down and one to go!

"This week was an interesting one.

We had our final interview with our mission president, he goes home in under two weeks now. It was quite weird to say the least. Said our good byes and he talked a bit about the changes he has seen in me since the beginning of my mission, that was probably the highlight of my week.

The work was okay this week. We also went to the mountains for a service project to help dig holes for sister lineo. She needs us to dig 3000 holes to plant trees..... its rough.... but its also good service and a good back work out. So we headed the 45 min drive to find that she bunked us! she said she was worried about snow and didnt want to do it that day. well we just drove almost an hour and we werent about to waste that time. so we drove a little bit further down the road to get to some mountains with snow! yes snow in Africa!!! We parked on the side of the road and started our journey up the frosty slope. of course this is the day I forgot my camera so I didnt get a ton of great pictures..... eish..... but onward.... We were about 30 minutes behind the first group of elders. The mountain we decided to climb didnt have a path or trail by any means so luckily since we were behind the first group we were able to follow their foot prints in the snow. None of us were quite expecting to take an expedition through the snow but hey, adventure is out there! there were parts along the mountain where the snow got fairly deep. When we got to the top we took some cool pictures and then built a snow man. some of the Elders were to cold and left early but we toughed it out and froze our fingers to do something that none of you will ever get the chance to do in your life. and that is build an amazing snowman in the mountains of Africa.... worth it! After the snowman needless to say we were all frozen and ready to go home..... but unfortunately we had a snowy slope to get down and home seemed far far away. we decided the best approach would be to run! I still don't know how no one broke any bones as we were sliding down the mountain as fast as we could, slipping and falling along the way. Elder Adlard did get a nice gash in the leg and filled a nice circle of blood in his jeans. we then found it to be to dangerous to run down so I then sat down on my butt and scooted down creating a nice slide for the others to freely follow. now we were cold and soaking wet head to toe from sliding, rolling and falling in the snow. but finally we made it to the bottom. it twas quite the adventure."

Saying goodbye to his mission president

Mission Coin!

"Well it was a pretty weird week with a lot of spare time and other things happening so I guess that's it.

Love you all!
Elder North"

Package!! :)

He sent a package a little while ago and it finally came this week! I went over to his parent's house to pick them up and hung out with them for a bit. I got an Africa necklace, his name tag, two keychains: one of a lion and the other spells out my name, a South Africa bag, a mini traditional Lesotho hat and a handmade ornament with my name embroidered (spelled wrong, but he knew that haha) and a letter. I seriously love all of it so much! He is the best.

Fixing a toilet of less active member with Elder Changler

Glass coke bottles

"Our awesome investigator studying the Book of Mormon like a boss!"

Semp and beans

Time has flown by in so many ways but there have definitely been some slow days, weeks, and months. I've had a lot of time to reflect on this last year of life and it just kind of hit me how much we've both grown up in such a short time. Don't get me wrong, I still feel like a kid trying to adult with no idea what I'm doing sometimes, but I at least have a year of trial and error under my belt haha. We've somehow gotten through one whole year of being apart, of growing, of learning, of trials and setbacks, of sadness and joy and through all of that we still have each other. I think back to how I felt during those last few days together, how scared I was, how excited and sad and happy I was at the same time, but also how much I loved him and would miss him. One year later and I'm still a little scared. Scared of the future, scared of not being what he needs me to be or what the Lord needs me to be. One year later and I'm still excited about so many things. Excited about our future, excited about how much more we'll get to grow and learn in the next year and of course excited to see him again. One year later and I'm still a little sad, because it's hard to be without my best friend and the man I love for so long. One year later and I'm still so happy, because I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have him to love and to love me in return, even if it is from far away, and I'm still so happy because he gets to spend this time serving the Lord and His people. One year later and I miss him so much more than I ever thought would be possible, and I miss him more every day. One year later and I've only fallen more in love with him in every sense of the word. I didn't know it would be possible to love someone this much, especially being apart, but I've learned to love him in new ways that I don't think I could have if he were here. One year later and I'm still sure that he's the one I want to spend the rest of forever with, to share those sacred temple covenants with and take on whatever life throws at us hand in hand. It's the best thing ever that I get to say that I'll see him in one year!!!

This is just what I sent to him last week, and I'll include his response:
"I'm thankful for every moment I've gotten to share with you, together or apart. This last year has been one of the hardest of my life but with you by my side cheering me on it's been one of so much growth and maturing and I wouldn't change a thing. One year from now we'll be together again, and I can promise you that I'm never letting you leave me again :) But until then, here's to one more year of learning, experiencing, growing, trials, triumphs, and love. Continue working hard, giving your all to your mission and loving the people with all of your heart. I'm so proud of the man you're becoming and it's amazing to see your testimony grow. You are such a strength to me and I'm so thankful for you every single day."

"one more year. one day closer, one step further. to be together as one. I love you so much. I am not really going to even try and say something as great as that or act like I have this all under control but all I really know is that I love you so much and always will! You make it so easy to love you! thank you babe.

Elder Mookie"

This one made me laugh hahaha

"Got my new suit today!! I lauve it!!!"

And here's some fun little throwback pictures to when he left. :)

This pictures still almost makes me cry every time.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Another Day Another Dolla!

"We did a lot of tracting this week, knocked a lot of doors. We even spent a total of like 3 hours on the phone. We went through the area book and called every single previous investigator that had a number or gps coordinates ( their are no addressees in Lesotho.) but we got a few that seem like they could have potential and I am excited to start teaching them. Others were bogus, but hey out of calling around 30 people, ten answered and 5 let us come back and maybe 1 will get baptized. I think that's pretty grand!

I am seeing the Lords careful hand here in Lesotho. success is in the works. We should have a baptism this week of Bolelang who Elder Woodland and I started teaching so I hope she makes the deadline! we still got some stuff to cover though."

I asked him what his favorite things are about the people he is teaching, and his reply was that he loves how much people trust missionaries because they are men of God. He loves being trusted, that's seriously one of his favorite things and the people there tell missionaries some of their deepest secrets. He also loves that everyone there is religious.

"Obedience really does bring blessings! that is for sure! We have made it appoint to make sure we are doing the small stuff and wowzers its working good! I even find that I am just more awake during the day, have more energy and excitement to go knock on doors for 3 hours! its grand!

We got new pamphlets, the church now has made lesson 5 pamphlets and they are amazing and it was like Christmas getting to open them!!!!

I have started to start the New Testament and wow I am loving it. I am still in Matthew but it is amazing. There really is so much great knowledge in their. I am excited to be able to know the bible well. after the new testament comes the old!

It is getting cold! Today is super rainy. but not the good play in the rain kind because its windy and cold and everyone is walking around in their sweater, coats, scarf, ski mask, and blankets! They don't like the cold but it is pretty cold."

We've gotten some short emails as of late but that's alright, at least we're getting them :) I figured out finally how to add videos to these posts so I'll post one from a long time ago of him with Elder Adams. 

Sunday, June 12, 2016

New Companion: Elder Lenard

"This was a great week. well because of transfers I didn't get my companion until Thursday, so I spent all week with Elder Masinga. He is an awesome Elder and we had a great time together and taught some great lessons.

So My companion is Elder Leonard, he is from cape town SA, he is 27 years old and 15 months on mission. He loves the gospel, the people, and studying. He just loves! My new companion is great. He talks.... a lot. but its good, I have been praying to be a better listener. To talk less and hear more. I am working to listen well. he is a great guy.  We have had a great time together so far and have already started to see blessing pour out as we both increase ourselves to being completely obedient. We have tracting a lot in our short time together and have found some good success."

Mikel and I have been studying the Book of Mormon together for the last few months and I love reading those emails every week. We read three chapters per week and just write what stood out to us or the promptings we were given and things like that. Last week we read 2 Nephi 28, 29 and 30 and I just wanted to include his email to me about those chapters this week. 
"Verse one stuck out to me sharply. it says " As the spirit hath constrained me; wherefore, I know that they must surely come to pass." I loved this because it really applies to missionary work. when we are lead by the spirit we can ask inspired questions. I have had often times on my mission asked an investigator a question because the spirit directed me, and before they can answer I already know what their answer will be. because the spirit constrained me to speak I knew what was to come to pass. I also see this as we testify of something. not as Elder North but as a representative of the Lord Jesus Christ. I know surley that those promises we make by the spirit will indeed happen. I have promised people that they will never go without food and shelter as long as they abide by the principles I have taught. I know that those promises will be fulfilled. I have also known for sure by the spirit when someone isnt telling me something important, this has happend while I have conducted interviews for baptism and have found everytime I get a feeling to continue to teach about something there is a reason that they eventually tell me.

from verse 4 till about 9 it talks about false churches, doctrines and prophets. and then tells us why all these things come. and its as you said. Pride. PRIDE is the greates sin, everything revolves around pride. if you remember teachings from president benson about pride. he describes it perfectly.

and from verse twelve to around 18 it talks about pride. something interesting I noticed was in verse 15. now if the scriptures repeat something then you know it is very important. for example when the scriptures say verily verily its more like hey listen up because Imma bout to drop some important stuff down here!!!

I have never seen or I guess noticed anywhere where it says something more than twice but in verse 15 it says "wo wo wo be unto them" talking about pride and has a tripple wo. so I was like woooo this is important. kinda cool.

I like in the last verse it mentions how the Lords hand is extend out all day long as long as we repent and come unto him and remember Him. this thought and saying is said constantly in the book of mormon on how his arm is extended still to us, even when we are wicked. its always there for us to grab onto and lift ourselves out of the depths of sin we have let ourselves fall. before that in mentions how we cant trust in the arm of flesh, we need to grab the arm of the Lord if we want to lift ourselves out of sin.

awesome chapter!!!

I love you babe!!!!"

"We found a women by the name of Ntau which means lion, but she is a girl so it means lioness which I thought was like the coolest name ever ( future middle name of child...maybe!) we also found a newly married couple so we are hopeful to teach them this week. So I have been teaching at the EMT college once a week for quite a while now. one of the teachers family runs a church and the pastor recently died and they were leaderless. so they asked us if we could come and teach at their church.... we said YES! so its not in my area and the other missionaries get to take this one over. they now have a new pastor but want us to come teach every week. there are a lot of kids of all different ages and even some adults that come. the teacher asked if I could come this past week and help teach. Sister Chandler gave me the lead on the lesson about friends. choosing good ones. and being good ones. the class went very well! I met with the chandlers a couple days later and she told me that the Reverend of the church wanted to learn more but said he would only speak to Elder North. So even though it is not in my area I get to go teach this pastor and another one that is interested. I see them on Sunday and I am stoked. Sister Chandler said I must have maid some kind of connection while baring my testimony.

It is one of the best things about being a missionary, being able to bare our testimony of the Saviour, our Lord, Jesus Christ every single day. and  do it with power and authority.

Funny note. I got the Sister and Elder Chandler (the senior couple) to start saying niceness haha

I am short for time today, we are going to go and hike a waterfall so I guess nature is calling! gotta run!

Love you all! God Bless!!!!

Elder M.North"

 Some fun pictures that a lady in the ward he is serving in sent to me on Facebook. :)