Elder Mikel North

Elder Mikel North
South Africa Durban Mission June 2015-2017

Sunday, March 27, 2016

9 Months

I'm a little behind on my post this week, it's been super busy! I feel like I'm constantly rushing from one place to another. There's only one more month left in the semester and then my team and I go to Germany! I'm so excited. I'm just excited to take a little break from school. I'm taking summer semester, so I really only get like 3 weeks off, but a break is a break haha. It's so crazy because he has been out for 9 months now! It doesn't feel like that long but looking back it feels like forever. I can't believe how fast time is flying.

Books of Mormon in multiple languages

Saying bye to Elder Kaitoo

Goodbyes with Elder Rakotomalala


Crossing the border from South Africa to Lesotho

I'm super happy because he got my birthday package this last week! It was just a little late but I'm glad it got to him somewhat close to his birthday :) He said he really liked it and that makes me happy. I did a bunch of "Open When" letters for him, like "Open When you have been out for 1 year" and he said it's torture having to wait to open them but he's excited to do it.

"It has been a fantastic flippin week if I do say so my self!   We have been on bikes for the past week and a half. This area has not had their bakkie for about four months because a previous elder drove it into a ditch.....Ooops. But good news! we got our bakkie back! Oh boy do I love it. There is just something fulfilling about driving a truck, especially a manual haha. It has helped a lot with the work because we can now stay out latter ( previous on bikes we had to be home around 6 because it gets to dangerous when we are out later than that) and we can work in rain or shine! We were able to go to a bit further places which seemed promising in tracting and were able to knock some doors done that side. I work in an area called ha tsetane or something like that and work in the neighboring towns and villages."

Pictures of their boarding


"Cool story of the week is that we were approached by some guy in the mall who teaches at a emt college. He asked us if we would be interested in helping him teach a morals class. We gladly accepted his offer and get to meet all the students later today. We will be teaching a two hour class of about 85 students once a week about morals and ethics and of course Jesus Christ! We are stoked about this and think we will all learn from the experience. I am praying it all goes well!!!  The area is starting to pick up, we didn't have anyone in our investigator teaching pool but now we have a few and are continuing to make it grow. We hope to soon be so busy with appointments that we come home and fall asleep before we get to the beds." 

"Minions have invaded!"

"Trying to cool off after biking"

New planner

Trying to hide from the rain

Got soaked anyway!

The money looks pretty cool

"The branch that I am serving in is such a cool one, the members are nice. The only problem we have is a lack of priesthood holders. There are a lot a lot of sisters in the branch. We have an attendance of about 140 on average.
Elder woodland and I have been doing great, we already have so many inside jokes and its like we have been friends for a long time. I have been blessed with a fantastic companion that we both enjoy to work laugh and play! :)  Its a good thing I am off of the bikes now because sleeping was becoming a problem, not that I slept to much but lack there of due to stupid back aches.... (gents take care of any pulled/tore muscle now and dont hurt for it two years later...) It's getting pretty nippy at night where I actually need a real blanket and not just sheets like I have been doing in KZN. You can feel that winter is on its way but for the most part it is still hot, short sleeve weather. 
I wake up every morning with more and more mosquito bites. They are starting to really get on my nerves. the worst is when you wake up in the night because you can hear them buzzing right past your face and its loud! curse you infernal pests!!!"

Pictures of his area

Street signs are really short there!

This is a high school

"So Elder woodland and I are becoming quite the chefs, we don't get fed by any members here so you cook a lot. The other night we made some chicken and it was awesome. We put it in the oven put some garlic, lemon, and spicy chicken flavor sauce over it and flipped it every 30 min for about two hours. The chicken was soooo goooood!!! Lemony and a bit of kick at the end due to the perri perri pepper spice we put on it. ah to die for!!!! Well that is my week I guess. Lesotho has been grand thus far."

Cool cars!

"Had FHE at a Gogo's house and had a fun little wrestle party with the kids"


Youth in the branch

They got to be part of a slaughter... gross!

"I love you more than ever and that is what I know for sure that I have done nothing but grow oh so much more fond of you! I love everything about you!!!! I love your mom and her talks, she is just amazing, give her a big hug for me. and then tell her that she needs to give you a hug from me :) :) :) (do it!)

Always ALWAYS ALWAYS never forget. <3 love you babe
Elder Mookie"