Elder Mikel North

Elder Mikel North
South Africa Durban Mission June 2015-2017

Friday, January 15, 2016


Ah it has been a wonderful week. The start of a new semester, soccer starting up, being able to jog and juggle again! I think it's going to be a great semester. After this semester is over the team is going to Germany, Austria and Switzerland for 10 days and I am so excited! Mikel's companion is from Germany and he told me about a couple different kinds of pastries to try, so that will be awesome! And then by the time we get back from that Mikel will have almost been out for an entire year. How crazy! Time is flying.

They had a Zone Training Meeting (ZTM) and a lot of other meetings this last week and he said they were wonderful! "We did learn a lot in these meetings and found out that we have some things that we need to do to become more consecrated and dedicated servants of the Lord. He does have a marvelous work and a wonder for us to bring forth at this moment in time to the people here in Amanzimtoti,  but just like with any marvelous thing in the world, just like with anything that you love dearly and appreciate and reflect on with great passion and love. It began with the nitty gritty hard work. and that's what us as missionaries just gotta do. Its gonna take work. We are here to show these people what a fantastic joy, peace, and hope that can and does come from hearing what we call the good news of the perfect plan of happiness!!!! I do in deed love be a missionary, it's by no means an easy task but its a worth while one. I think I can honestly say I have never put so much effort into any work in my entire life. It takes all you can give and a little bit extra, but when you serve with all your heart the reward is so great. Getting investigators to come to church is a real struggle and usually we don't have any but this past week we had two! Ya that's right! Two new people came to church! I literally jumped in the air did a lil heal click and squeeled. There isn't many greater feelings than when you see that person take their first steps toward eternal joy."

He told us about the two investigators that came to church that he was so excited about: "Our new investigators were Vanilla and James, so Vanilla is going into 8th grade, she is Xhosa from Eastern Cape, her mother dosn't seem to interested which is a bit sad but we met her through her friend Thandeka who we are currently teaching. Unfortunately Thandeka couldn't make it to church. We met Vanilla for the first time on Saturday because she just happened to be there when we taught Thandeka and she decided she would stay. she listened in on the lesson and when we invited her to come to church she said she would be there. Well I dont want to say I didn't believe her.... well I didn't haha. I mean its a 13 year old girl saying she is going to come to church, that dosnt really ever happen. I hope she enjoyed and we are looking forward to teaching her some more! :)

Next was James, he is from Malawi and works here in SA as a cook at a bed and breakfast. He is a really kind guy and his english isnt too good. we knocked on his door and gave him a book of mormon and asked him to come to church, he said yes as they all do and we were on our marry way again hoping he would come but knowing that it pretty much never happens. HE CAME what! This was just crazy so needless to say church was fantastic this Sunday!"

In his email to me he told me a gross story about some maggots in his apartment and it almost made me gag haha, so gross! "My week was pretty good, we are trying to work really hard, which is hard  because I am a naturally lazy kind of guy haha but we are pushing along one step at a time, one door after another after another after another haha. The best part of this week was when the Elders from Margate came up and stayed with us so we played risk, it took 4 hours, it was insane and super fun haha we were all making secret combinations and what what and would gang up on each other then back stab each other it was a whole big thing haha it was fun and just enjoyed I dont know we have a lot of inside jokes about risk now so it was funny, also just the people coming to church that I talked about in my mass email that was flipping awesome. I am happy, healthy is a different issue haha. oh wanna know a gross story haha, so were were cleaning our boarding the other day and me and elder adams dont use the kitchen much and when we do we actually do our dishes so we cleaned the whole place and left the kitchen for the other two guys, but of course they didnt do it so it sat and sat and sat. until oneday while they were going into the kitchen and found maggots all over the floor and counter top haha it was super super super gross I wanted to die, then we found some tubawere which had some food left in it that didnt get cleaned we opend it up and if was full of these tiny white maggots who turned all the food into this nasty mush and we had to clean it and I just wanted to cry haha. anyways that my super gross story, boys are yucky icky yack gross creatures, I am so glad I am a boy so I can like girls :) :) :)"

There are going to be a lot of challenges in the coming year and it will be strange to not have him here to go through them with, but I know that it is for the benefit of both of us. I'm excited for this coming semester and for all that this year will bring!

"a great quote I loved this week was... "2 years commitment to mission rules assures eternal commitment to future wife and family"

 love you babe, have a great week starting school again!
Elder Mookie"

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