Elder Mikel North

Elder Mikel North
South Africa Durban Mission June 2015-2017

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Dedeli Igazi - Let the Blood Flow!

The title of this post is a zulu phrase: Dedeli Igazi which means let the blood flow or relax. Mikel said he and Elder Adams love that saying. It's been a great reminder to me because I'm the kind of person that is constantly go go go-ing and stressed about all the things I need to do. But sometimes I just need to relax and "let the blood flow" instead of stressing. It makes life a bit more enjoyable :)

A little story to start out: "To start off the week we had DDM (district development meeting) we drove down to margate which is about an hour away (How far? about an hour) (Inside joke for the fam) when we arrived at the chapel we were called to action! the whole chapel flooded! a pipe in the cycling burst causing about 2-3 inches of water in the entire building. Needless to say we were unable to attend our meeting, we instead spent the next 3 hours bailing out the chapel and sorting all the ruined books from the still okay ones. It was quite the mess indeed. The best part about the trip to margate though was fish and chips. there is an amazing fish and chips place that is to die for, any time we go to margate we make sure we stop for the best fish in SA.... well as far as I am concerned."

They had their ward soccer game last week which he said they were training for, and I guess it's a pretty big deal haha. They have uniforms and everything. He said that he played keeper because he didn't trust anyone else back there and he was happy not to have to run in the heat, but they lost 3-0 so you can see where that got them haha. He said it got pretty heated but that's typical for a church sporting event. Out of control haha.

"an interesting statement said in church this week was "by keeping the commandments we are becoming heros" we really are, they arnt easy and we are overcoming such temptation when we obey Gods commands. its no easy feat by any means.

Its been an interesting feeling throughout this week when I have reflected to see how I have been doing, am I working hard enough? Am I doing what the Lord expects of me? I must admit I have felt pretty lax this past week in the sense of feeling like I wasnt working hard enough. I brought it up with elder adams mentioning my concern that I dont know what else I could change to work harder. We then went through the week to see what we have accomplished. We came to realize that we have been working very hard and I think why I dont feel like it is because I was used to tracting all day and getting nothing out of it but a sweaty shirt and stinky feat. We realized that every single time we have gone tracting we have found people to teach and it ends up taking all of our time. I felt like we wernt working hard enough because I wasnt knocking 100 doors a day but it was such a great realization to see that I have been working very hard and it is paying off. So I guess thats what I would like to report on a bit is how your promise is definitely coming to pass and we are finding people and there are so many people who are being prepared and have been prepared and we just need to talk to them, put our selves out there and let the Lord guide our paths. So all in all its been a good week and I feel very satisfied with the work put in and I do feel we did work hard and well. Of course there is always room for improvement. dont get me wrong, we have been working hard and the Lord is definitely in this work!"

Their car is now in the shop which makes it hard for them to contact people as far as they would like, but now they get to do more street contacting and walking around.

He had two really cool stories that I wanted to share as well: "I have had a couple of powerful tender mercies this week from less actives opening up to us and telling us there concerns and struggles and how we are trying to help them overcome them, to powerful strong members giving us encouragement and lifting us up even higher. I have felt the Lord work through me this week. I was asked a question about some doctrine that I had never been taught. I have never even thought about the question myself but I began to answer, not necessarily knowing what I was saying but knowing that it was true. I could feel the spirit confirming every word which proceeded out of my mouth and I pray that they could fee that same confirmation. It was a testament to me of the power of the Holy Ghost and how he will guide us and direct us on what to say in the very hour as long as we have prepared our selves. Being a missionary has thus far been the greatest experience of my life.

I ran into Elder Ikube who is currently going through the post mission training thing. He working at the car dealer ship that we dropped our car off to get fixed. He goes home in a week and is now preparing for that and no longer proselyting like we are. Now he didnt say this but to me I saw the look in his eyes, it looked as if he was looking in envy and hope, with passion, love, faith and devotion, and in a sense it seemed like he looked up to us. Now I dont know if this was just me being crazy but it seemed so to me. It was just a witness of how we as missionaries are changed, we are representatives of the Lord and people can see that, people can feel it. I have had members tell Elder Adams and I that when we begin teaching a lesson, our countenance changes and we become something else, no longer young boys, but into real men and servants of the Lord. Now of course you would like people to distinguish you always and not just as you teach, hopeful I can get there someday.

a week full of tender mercies for sure and blessings from the Lord. I am so blessed be able to hold the Priesthood and wear the name of Christ boldly across my chest"

The past few weeks I've started doing some service hours in an elementary school for one of my classes, and I love it so much! I was telling him all about it and the kids I get to work with and how happy it makes me and this is what he said: "Oh my days Haiy I could just picture you in class helping these kids, I know its perfect for you and it just made me smile so much hearing about how much you enjoyed it, you are going to learn so much from these kids, it will blow you away. what a wonderful opportunity you have to get some real experience in a class, with real kids that you can and will ahve an affect on for the rest of their lives! Kind of scary but kind of incredible right? wow you are one amazing women, thats for sure. I just had a second where I could almost see us together and you coming home from a great day at work telling me all about the kids and the funny thing that the boy kaden said to you and what natalie the little girl in the back did to the boy next to her and all the funny things and amazing moments that will happen. I am excited for the future, I am excited for our future. I love you so much!!! :)"

I have loved reading his stories and getting updates about him every week for the last 7 months. Even though I wish that he was just a call away, I'm thankful for this time that we get to spend apart for him to grow into the man he needs to be and for me to grow into the woman I need to be. It's been amazing to see the change in him and to see his love and testimony of the gospel grow.

"I have been thinking a lot about you recently, Like a lot a lot. I am not sure why but its made me just a tad home sick, I just miss you so much and I miss being able to show my love to you every day and to see you and hear your voice and see your smile and your face light up when you talk about something you love like teaching or soccer or even those times when I look at you and you get that cute little smile. Just everything a bout you. maybe its because  Ihave opened up to Elder Adams more about you and just talked about how much I love you and some of our adventures and I think it just made me miss all of that. But dont worry I am still focused here and on what I am supposed to :) Its just that I cant not think about the best two years of my life and how much fun I had and how much love I have for you.

You are the best! I am so lucky to have you, I mean most guys girlfriends stop writing by six months or the letters get really short, but nope not for you, even when I am so bogus and suck at writing my emails and letters you still stay strong and I am so thankful for that. I think the Lord knew that I would need it.

Love always
Elder Mookie"

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