Elder Mikel North

Elder Mikel North
South Africa Durban Mission June 2015-2017

Sunday, December 20, 2015


He had a baptism this last week! He was really excited about it :) "Onward ever onward!  This Sunday was incredible, I had a baptism!!! oh my goodness, I have missed the water, as a missionary we don't get to swim, and its summer season here in Africa and I live next to the beach and don't get to swim. So its a little extra incentive to baptize people so you can get into the water... (that's a joke, not the reason why we don't swim or why we get baptisms) so this awesome man Cebo is 15 years old but he acts more like he around 18, really a level headed guy who knows what he wants in life and he is so young! He could make such a great missionary and leader on day! so we have been teaching him for a while and he has really grasped the gospel with two hands and has not let go for even a second! I was honored with the opportunity to perform the baptism with him and dunk him in the water twice. His head didn't go all the way under the first time because he slipped so we had to do it again, not fun because the water was really cold..... He bore a powerful testimony afterward about what he knows to be true, it was short sweet and to the point. just the I like it! So mission isnt about how many people you can dunk in the water or anything like that but more about the love you give and the love you feel but a baptism doesn't hurt :) There is a special feeling at baptisms of just new life beginning and old habits dying and new joy soon coming."

"Pictures of them and cebo. The other man in white with the little girl is 
Thula and his sister Bushla, he baptized her the same day."

He said he had a really great week! He started teaching a new investigator named Darril. While they were teaching him he suddenly was just hit with a wall of happiness! He couldn't stop smiling and he hoped Darril was feeling it to. I loved reading that because that's what the gospel is, it is happiness! While there are some hard times and sadness in life, the gospel brings us light and happiness to get us through those dark times. Mikel has always been the happiest person I know and so he has been a great example of what the gospel brings.

His caption was "trying to be like my brother Jered". He was in Guatemala on his mission and was always sending pictures of creepy little bugs. gross! haha

"GUESS WHAT!!! God lives! and so does his son Jesus! and best of all they love you!!!!

so today was the end of transfers, Elder Sibeko is leaving me and I am getting Elder Adams. Elder Sibeko is a great guy and a fantastic missionary, he is going to go die in his last area only having 3 months left on mission. sometimes when people get close to the end of their mission they get trunky and want to go home and not work, but not this guy, he is to power. We worked really hard in this area and I can look back and say we did all we were supposed to do and all we could do #NoRegrets He was always quick to complement me which is something that I think helped me a lot, to feel like I was actually a good missionary and can do this. I am thankful I got to know him. so now I have had a companion from Zimbabwe, and two from South Africa. Now I get my American buddy/German  So Elder Adams is from the USA but has lived in Germany for the past 5 years. He is in my MTC group meaning we are the same age on mission, he was serving in Bloemfontein which I was able to visit about 2 or 3 times a month while I was in Kimberley so I got to know him pretty well and I love this guy so when I heard the news, I literally flipped, I cant wait to see my brother again! Usually you don't get two young missionaries put together like us. young on mission I mean. we both are only six months out and are serving together! so needless to say I am looking forward to the next couple months :)

Consecration is the only surrender which is also a victory.

I love this scripture in 2 Nephi 33:10
 hearken unto these words and believein Christ; and if ye believe not in these words believe in Christ. And if ye shall believe in Christ ye will believe in these words, for they are the words of Christ, and he hath given them unto me; and they teach all men that they should do good."

Him and Sibeko with Alfred, one of the members.

"We had a ward Christmas party which was off the hook crazy, well as crazy as a Mormon party gets that is!  That means there were skits, food, and laughs, and some time to mingle after haha. I really enjoyed it and even us missionaries got to participate. We did the 12 days of Christmas song, I saw some people recording it so I will have to get it from them to send you guys, I think you would get a kick out of it." I would really like to see this video! Haha. 

He got my package!!! I'm so happy because I didn't think he would get it before Christmas. But he said he's waiting until Christmas to open it so that's good :) I'm excited for him to open it! He gets to talk to his family this week and I am so excited for him! It's crazy that it's Christmas on Friday. It sure doesn't feel like it.

In his mass email he mentioned that his mom informed him of an option for those of you who are deciding whether or not to serve a mission, so I thought I would share that here. "My mom informed me of an awesome opportunity you all could have! So if you are trying to decide if a mission is right for you and you arn't really sure.  Maybe your worried about being home or how hard mission life is.  Well I have good news for you! You can go on a mini mission for 6-12 weeks, living and working with the full time missionaries and get to have and experience the joys and rigorous of mission life, you will get to feel the same kind of giddy happiness that I felt as I have taught the "good news" to people in my mission. Then after those 12 weeks you can know for sure if you could handle it and how it is.  So don't delay, call your bishop/Stake Pres. now to start your own mini mission to help you decide if mission is right for you!!......"

His emails to me were so good this week. It's such a blessing to be able to email with him every week, even if it's just for a few minutes. :)
"I am not surprised that you are progressing faster than anyone because you are the most drivin person I know, when you put your mind to anything I know that you can and will do it so I knew that you would progress well and that is why I also know that this isnt going to set you back but push you further as now you have seen life without soccer and what its like not to play and to watch and it will make you work harder and play harder to do better to be stronger! 

Thats actually insane, I dont thing you have ever gone that long in your life, I dont know how youve kept your feet from moving! You are going to feel so much better just by juggling and be more like yourself again! :)

I actually like this companion of mine he has been really good to me and I am going to miss him, I get a new companion tuesday. members sometimes dont like him because they feel he isnt genuine 

thats power, so good to be done with finals I am sure! stressful time!

Of course they would pick you! :) I would ;) haha thats awesome that hopefully you were able to be a light to her, ah I miss utah and just the temple and all of the snow and haha everything. Im sure there reception was super cute, ah my heart achs it misses you when I read about how happy they are it makes me just long to be with you and to smile like I did then, to feel like I did when I was with you, yes I am happy and feel good but there is a definte hole the is missing something and its you! one day!"

Amanzimtoti is a beautiful place!

"In Margate for a meeting then went for some grub at the beach, 
from left to right. Kaitoo, Dean, Knight, Hamilton, Me, Sibeko"

There are so many people we know who are getting married lately... which is kind of scary and weird but at the same time I can't help but think about getting married myself! Obviously it's a little while away but I've been thinking about it, and honestly the only person I can see myself with is him. And I wouldn't want it any other way.

"dont like them, love them! you are the bestest girlfriend ever, I mean you make it so easy to want to marry you haha. all this talk about jered and his girl and the girl on your team has just made me in a marry mood haha (marry as in happy and as in like make you stuck with me forever)

read 1st john 4:18 first two sentences. (There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear) I love you and that is why even though I dont know what he future holds and I know there will be struggles and life is tough and all I dont fear, and its because I love you I am not afraid to say I want to marry you and be with you. :)

but its so true because I was thinking so much about the logistics behind it and how am I going to make things work but as soon as i just thought no I love her and thats the truth then the fears settled as I knew we would climb them together, Yes it will still be hectic and hard and scary but at the same time I am not afraid with you by my side, with you I know I am stronger and can get through anything"

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