Elder Mikel North

Elder Mikel North
South Africa Durban Mission June 2015-2017

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Peace in Your Life

Sorry I'm slow to getting around to this... again.

When you live with Christ you will have peace in your life! :)

He said this last week was one of a lot of work but not a lot to show for it. They met with a guy named Christopher for the last time because he was moving back to his home in west cape. He told them of his struggles and addictions and desire to quit, and while they were reading scriptures with him he said that he had gotten his answer. He had read a quote the day before with the same message that the scripture had said and he felt that this was God reaffirming the answer he had already gotten. It's so cool to see the different ways that prayers are answered for different people! Mikel and his companion then told the story of the two wolves, one good and one bad, that are inside of each of us. A young boy asked his elder which wolf was going to win the fight. The good wolf represents our good desires, and the bad wolf represents worldly desires. The elder explained that the wolf that would win would be the wolf you feed. If you feed negativity, envy, lust or anger then the bad wolf will win. Feed only the wolf that you want to control you :)

Cool story from this week that I wanted to share: "My companion Elder Mashava and I were planning for a young women who has been having a really tough time. We were both at a stupor of thought when it came to planning what would best help her, what she needed to know. We racked our brains and came up with nothing. Elder Mashava then said, I know what to do. I instantly felt relieved and asked him to further explain what we were to do. He looked at me and said pray.... We then bowed our heads and prayed for guidance in what we are to teach her, we definitely lacked knowledge and as the scriptures council we had to ask of God. (James 1:5) after we sat and tried think of what we were supposed to teach, The plan of salvation, which is the plan God has for each of us and the knowledge of where we are from and why we are here, kept coming to my mind but I wasn't sure if this was just me thinking. when I mentioned that that thought continued to pop in my mind Elder Mashava said that he had been thinking the same thing and even had in his hand a pamphlet about how the plan of salvation can help you be happy, he said he didn't know why he picked it up but he was just looking at it. We knew then that, that is what we were to talk about.  God answers prayers!!! not always in an immediate effect, usually it takes time and more time then we would necessarily like but I do know he does always answer.  If you have struggled with feeling like you don't receive answers to your prayers read Moroni 10:3-5 then pray again with the council given and I can promise you that you will receive an answer from God.  I wouldn't be out here in South Africa missing my mom, college, friends, girlfriend and anything else the world has to offer if I didn't know God lives and answers prayers. He does! but from the old show reading rainbow, 'don't just take my word for it, read for yourself'"

He had his first rejection this week. They had a powerful investigator named Fafa and were heading to his home for an appointment with him that they were excited for. They knocked on the door and someone inside asked who was there and they replied happily, "The missionaries!" Then the voice said to go away, don't come back and don't call again. They stood there, kind of confused for a minute until the voice said that again. They were sad as they walked away because they had had some cool experiences with this family, but they did all they could and planted a seed.

I've had a hard week because of surgery and not being able to play and adjusting to that, and I've gone back to read his email to me a few times which has really helped on the hard days. It's so crazy because I'll be back to normal and playing again by next summer and when he gets home the summer after that it will be like I had never gotten hurt. He will hear stories of what I'm going through, but he will never really know what I'll go through. I guess it's the same concept with him being on his mission, I'll never truly know all that he went through. And while I wish we could both be together in these pivotal and life changing moments and experiences, I know that these are things we need to experience alone. They will shape and mold us into who we need to be and we will learn to be better companions for each other, and I think that is so cool.

"All of me loves all of you!

Im sorry this week was ruff but I am thankful you talked to me! I know how strong you are being and that you dont want people to see that you hurt and you especially dont want anyone to think you need help. I know you dont want anyone to feel like they need to go out of their way for you and you dont want others to worry about you. I know that you want to do this on your own but I also know that there is nothing wrong in being human. :) Probably the thing I say most is "life is tough" and you know that better than most people. You are going to have a day where you feel good and like you can handle things and then the next day out of no where you will have a break down and feel like the world has completely stopped. I hope though that you always feel my love for you knowing that no matter what happens I will always be there for you and with you no matter what. and more important than me, You do have your Father in Heaven who you can open up to when there seems to be no one else to do so. I have spent so many nights on my knees in tears because of my lack, my hurt and pain. Always after spending a good while pouring my entire soul out, all my anguish, all my fears, and all my questions and concerns,  I feel better. I would lie if I said the pain or worries were gone, because they arnt and wont be, but they are settled, and I get the feeling that I will go on for tomorrow and at the end of the day as I pray all over again I get the strength for one more day. I know the prayers are answered I know that He loves me. He dosnt take away the pain but puts his yoke upon us to make it easier for us to lift.

I Love you so much and of course I never want to see you sad or hurt, but if I didnt I would worry thinking that im not seeing everything. It is okay to cry, to scream a little and to throw a fit, but just for a little while. After we pick our selves up, dust ourselves off and go back to work. we slip we fall and mess up but always pick ourselves back up. I know how hard it is for you to open up to someone, we are a lot alike in that aspect, we both absolutely hate letting people see that we need help, we feel as if we have to do it all on our own. I dont know why we are like that but I know its not always a good thing. It is hard to open up in the first place, and now to do so to someone you arnt that close with, eish thats a whole new stroy and I dont think I could ever, but you have always been stronger than me so I know you will find a way to get through the hard days that you feel like have no end and you will find a way to eventually smile throughout the tears.

I have missed you a lot lately as well. Elder Mashava and I dont really get along as well as I would hope which just makes my heart ache as I think of how perfect to me you were. How I always could talk to you, how you understood what I said, how I felt and everything. So you arnt alone in this lonely bit haha, ah its hard... I talk more about him in a letter I wrote you but by the time you get it I will have a new companion because I am most likely leaving Kimberley in two weeks.

Hailey I love you, I know you will get through this, you will be stronger, and you will grow. I know that God loves you, I know your parents love you and I pray you know and always know and never forget not even for a second that I ALWAYS  will love you. Not only to the day I die but forever more.

eternally yours
Elder Mookie💕😍😍💕😁😁😁😁😁😁😘😘😘😘😘😜🙌💟💞💝💘💖💗💕❤💙"

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