Elder Mikel North

Elder Mikel North
South Africa Durban Mission June 2015-2017

Sunday, October 25, 2015

4 Months!!

Time sure is flying. Next weekend is Halloween and it feels like I blinked and October is almost over. Mikel says he feels like it is flying as well, so I guess it's a good thing! Four months has been long but compared to what's ahead it's pretty short haha.

The little girl doing his hair in these pictures name is Olorato. He said she would do his hair and then in a cute little voice say, "Oh you look nice Elder!" So cute :)

So a super gross story that he sent in the mass email this week almost made me gag.. "This week I got pretty upset when we found out that we have some visitors in our boarding that don't want to leave. We have had ants for a long time, like thousands of them. If you take a scoop of sugar you scoop 70 percent sugar and the rest ants haha. We haven't minded them just because they are ants and who cares. We like the crunch anyways... (joking) but then we recently discovered that the ants were lonely and decided to invite some of their friends, the cockroaches. Me personally well I don't like the cockroaches, they are always so rude and just crash the party. With the ants we could have some fun but when the roaches roll into town all the fun stops. So we now got some more roomies. At least the roaches here are not as big as the oneins back home but still they suck... Mission is tough...." Um, that's super gross. I don't think I could handle that hahaha.


"Dinner's get tough at the end of the month"

Beggars get creative! They walk around and lean down next to your car with their can for money.

A few weeks back they met a guy named Kennedy who seemed really promising and was very interested in the gospel. He is from Nigeria and Nigerians love religion, the church thrives there. But at their last meeting he gave back all of the pamphlets and the Book of Mormon and said that unless they could show him where it says the word "mormon" in the Bible he doesn't want to read it. So that was too bad. But, their investigator Philda is progressing very well! She is getting baptized at the end of the month! :) Her son, Shanadean, isn't quite as interested and they don't think he will be ready to be baptized then. 

His shirt ripped so he's not a greenie anymore!

The Hul's left home for Idaho. He will miss them!

He said in the mass email that they were focusing on a certain thing in their lessons this week, and I loved what he said: "The past week we have focused on bring the spirit of Elijah into our lessons. The spirit of Elijah refers to temples. I have taught about temples every day this week and the implications there of are outstanding. The temple is truly the house of the Lord, where you can feel His presence more closely than anywhere else on the planet. I was blessed to live so close to a temple and had the opportunity to go frequently. I was able to first hand witness and feel of the power and strength of the temple and how it can bless your life endlessly. Going to the temple here is not an easy thing and takes months of saving money to make the trip. It is so worth it and the blessings add up ten fold. I know that going to the temple will strengthen you and those you go with, you will build a new love. The love of eternity as you come close to the presence of God and His kingdom. It has been amazing for me to see the impact the temple has had on our investigators as we discuss about it. Ah this church is so true! If you don't have a temple recommend, I suggest you get one. If that means meeting with missionaries, bishop, or whoever. Do it, it is so worth it I can promise you and testify to you that you will find answers to prayers, peace of mind and of heart, and feel a love for God that you have never felt before. It is where you can be sealed with your family forever!

If you have time go to https://www.lds.org/media-library/video/2010-07-127-strength-beyond-my-own?lang=eng and watch the video of the temple, don't have any distractions while doing so. Just sit, watch and listen to the feelings you get and I can promise you that you will be touched and fill the spirit."

The church building in Bloemfontein, South Africa.

He called these a "family picture" and tried explaining it but I was just confused.

This week's Q&A:

What is Heritage Day, I hear it is September 24th. - Heritage day is like the biggest holiday, sadly our ward didn't do anything because of who knows what and then it was supposed to be pushed to last Saturday but they still didn't do anything haha but ya people wear their traditional clothing and what what but missionaries have to wear whites still.

How are you and your companion getting along? - We are getting pretty good, I get a long much better now. Instead of bringing up something that he says or does that bothers me I just sit quietly, I don't know if he notices but usually I forget about whatever it was anyways so we end up getting a long better. Its hard just because I am used to having Hailey who understands the way I think and I could bring anything up with her and it would be fine but Mashava has a different personality and so we are still learning but things have been going pretty well. (Aw cute :) )

How do transfers work for you? - Usually if we are in Kimberley since we are so far from the zone, (two hour drive, 160 kilometers) they call us Saturday night and tell us the news of who is going and what what. Then we get logistics on when and where we travel, we go to Bleom and depending on when the person comes is if we stay the night or something like that. We usually will stay the night in Bloem because we have to be in and safe by 9 and if we drive home we wont get there till late. So we meet in Bloem and then everyone disperses from there.  The districts in my zone are Lesotho, Thaba Nchu, Kimberly and Velkom. We all meet in Bloem for Zone conferences or transfers.

Who is in your boarding with you now? - In my boarding is me, Mashava, Razafindrakoto, and Katimbo.

No explanation for these... hahaha

Joyful travels :)

Hopefully I'll get this week's post done a little bit sooner than I did this one :) So excited to hear from him in the morning! 

"Ah you never cease to amaze me! I dont know how I managed to find you, I have met a lot of people and talked to a lot of missionaries and the girls they have met and none are like you, I honestly dont know how I found someone who has such a beautiful spirit, a bright testimony and a love I have never seen nor felt before. I love you babe so much or as Elder Mashava say, I love you so bad haha

Ek es leif vir my meisie (Afrikaans)

Ke rata motho waka (Tswana)

I love my girlfriend (English)

Elder North"

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