Elder Mikel North

Elder Mikel North
South Africa Durban Mission June 2015-2017

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Emails are like Gold

Best day of the week? P-day, no contest. Hearing from Mikel is my favorite thing! It's such a comfort to just know that he's doing well and to hear about his day-to-day life. Getting an email is like opening up your first present on Christmas morning!!

He's doing really well. His companion is Elder Benisson and he is from Johannesburg. He is also rooming with an Elder from Durban who has taught him about South Africa and also taught him how to greet people in Zulu. He was really excited about learning that, so I'm sure he's so happy. He leaves for Durban on Tuesday!

Mikel and His Companion

All of the missionaries from the MTC - temple trip

He told me that when he went to the temple this week that he got hit by a spiritual train that told him that he is there for a reason. It helped him so much and I'm so grateful for that.

It's so funny what kind of things can make me miss him or think of him. Just driving around with the windows down and the music on at night makes me think of how much fun we had last summer. Some songs that aren't even sad make me cry because I just think of him and how we'd sing those songs at the top of our lungs. The things that you can miss about a person are so interesting. I miss his smell, his weird voices, I miss watching movies on lazy days and I miss his voice. I miss holding his hand and listening to his stories. There are so many things that make me miss him, and there will never be enough words to describe how much I really do. 

"Now im not going to say i miss you (just know i do) or I love you (you better know i do) and that i always will (its true) because thats not going to help us out in the long run and will just make me miss you more which i dont think is possible but if it is im pretty sure it would kill me haha. I am having a blast and i know i need to be here and i love it!

Elder North"

*sigh* two weeks down, 102 more to go. :)

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