Elder Mikel North

Elder Mikel North
South Africa Durban Mission June 2015-2017

Thursday, June 15, 2017


I can't quite sleep yet so I figured I would get this written. Last email of his mission!!!

"Well its been two years and this is my last email home. if ya'll want to get some information you can contact my wonderful momma and she can fill you in on all the details. I would love to see you all at my homecoming address on Sunday, June 18th at 11:00am, as well and get to share the experiences I have had over these past two years.

This week was great. I was very grateful for the priesthood as we were able to give four blessings throughout the course of the week. I have loved being someone who can be called upon when heavens help is needed. I have loved being in the service of my God for these two years and the learning and growth that have come from it. We were able to see three new investigators accept the invitation to baptism as well this week which has made it just grand. I am going to miss SA, it has literally become my home. Hope I am not to culturally awkward when I get home.

Love you all and I am forever thankful for the support that you have given me through these past two years.
Elder North"

And a little bit of the email he sent to me...

"Thank you Hai, I cant say it in words but I just want to give you a big ol hug! the best things in life are hard, but they are worth it. Mission has been the hardest thing I have ever done, but it sure is worth it. Hears to a great two years and a sweet reunion! :) I love you Hai!"

I am feeling all kinds of emotions right now. In less than 12 hours, my best friend will be HOME! I've been super busy this week working a soccer camp so I haven't had a ton of time to think about it until today. As I've been thinking about the last two years though, I realized how good it was for us and how much it has changed us. I already know things are going to be different, even though I don't know exactly how yet. I don't think it will be a bad different though. We have grown and matured so much over this time and I don't think that it could have happened any other way. Even though this has definitely been one of the hardest things, I wouldn't trade it for anything. I have learned so much about myself and our relationship has grown in ways it couldn't have if we were together for the last two years. The future is a little scary and I honestly am getting a little nauseous just thinking about seeing him tomorrow, but I'm also just so excited to talk with him and laugh with him and just be with him again. I'm not sure how much sleep I'm going to get tonight but I'm going to try, haha. It's been quite the ride, these last two years, and I'm so glad we got to go through it together. I cannot believe I get to see him tomorrow!

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