Elder Mikel North

Elder Mikel North
South Africa Durban Mission June 2015-2017

Monday, March 6, 2017

The Spirit Will Testify

"We had zone conference and interviews this week which is always fantastic. Any time that we get to spend with the mission president always leaves me motivated and encouraged. He is such an inspired dude! Our zone conference was centered on teaching the Saviors way and we learned a lot. I really learned about active listening and how to better understand the questions people are asking by putting it their emotions. I keep thinking though of something president once said in MLC "You have 2 ears and 1 mouth for a reason" haha so true, a lot of us could be better off if we did twice as much listening and understanding as we did talking.

We finally got our new schedule change that every missionary has been talking about. Really nothing has changed though except we do some planing in the morning instead of night but we still go to bed at the same time, wake up same time and all of that. so not much really changed. but its good."

Selfie with mission mom!

"My group! 20 months out and 2 more transfers to go"

Elder Mbangi and I

"We had an awesome lesson this week with three wonderful sisters we have been teaching for the past couple weeks. They haven't really started progressing a ton but they do keep their commitments and read what we leave them with. They have just been struggling accepting the book of Mormon and gaining a testimony. We spent a good hour testifying of the love the Jesus has for us and His sacrifice that He made for us. We testified of the Love of God and His plan. Eventually as we stumbled through the lesson we invited one sister to close with a prayer and ask God here and now if the Book of Mormon is true. She prayed and pleaded that we would feel of the spirit to know if it is true. By the end of the prayer we all said amen and sat in silence. time went buy as we all just listened. I turned to the one next to me and said how do you feel. "happy, and I don't know why" she said, I looked across to the other and asked the same question "I just cant stop smiling" she explained and then to the last she simply said "the spirit is here" We all could feel that peace and joy that comes from God. We could feel it and it was strong!!! 

That was the highlight of the week! ah mission is good

I love you all! thank you for your support,

Elder North"

I loved that story about the three sisters that they have been teaching. It's so cool to me that the spirit will testify to each person that the Book of Mormon is true, even if each person receives that confirmation in different ways. I love the Book of Mormon and I challenge anyone who has never gotten that confirmation that it is true to get on their knees and ask because the Lord will answer. :)

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