Elder Mikel North

Elder Mikel North
South Africa Durban Mission June 2015-2017

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Teaching and Finding

February 6th

"We work mainly with university students which is fun because they are fun to talk to and get to know and also great because they are receptive.

We were able to see Ntate Tladi this week and he is doing great. sadly he will be going to kzn for work for a few weeks which means he wont be getting baptized any time soon.... but all is good :) he continues to be interested and have good questions. We have had some real good discussions with him. This week we talked about the Atonement and what it really means. It was power!

The other exciting visit was with Michelle, She is super awesome and from Lesotho. I love Lesotho!!!!! Well she is super smart and knows a lot about the Bible and that's rare to find. So we get to have great conversations and really talk about the gospel in depth. It's cool because when you teach you learn and I am definitely learning lots. She invites her friends to come with us as well to join in the discussions. Their names are Grace and Bonny, They are also both great! We meet with them in the lobby of their flats which can be a bit of a hectic area with people coming in and out and what not. We decided that we would start by opening with a hymn, (Be still my soul, because its one of my most favorite hymns.) As we sung people stared but we didn't care! The spirit was strong, we all felt it. Super cool. I just love that feeling of peace and love. I really love these girls, as you feel the spirit with someone you grow to love them! We then continued to talk about the plan of salvation, where we came from, why we are here and where we go after this life. It was a great lesson."

At Brother Mandas House

"Sindi came to church!!! woot woot. We are now focusing on reading the Book of Mormon. The only way that anyone will truly come to know that these things are true is if the read and pray about it. so thats what shes gotta do if she really wants to know.

It is the end of the transfer and Elder Fransen will be leaving to New Castle. I will be receiving a brand new missionary so I don't even know his name yet haha. It was a great transfer and we had a lot of fun and worked a lot. It would have been nice to stay together another transfer, but the Lord is in control of his work and knows where we need to be.

I love you all and I love life!"

"The Robert's are home now :("

Mikel's mom included this in his group email. The mission president's wife posted it on her blog and I thought it was cool!

"Here are some common words in South Africa different than what I'm used to:

small truck = bakki (bah-key)
BBQ = braai (bry)
trash = bin
trunk of car = boot
pleasant surprise = eish (ay-sh)
really? = isit
stop light = robot
you're welcome = pleasure
grandma = gogo
woman = ma
grandpa or father = baba
how are you? = howzit
french fries = chips
beef fillet = fillet (fill-it)
zucchini = marrow
bathroom = toilet room
napkin = serviette
diaper = napkin
beef jerky = billtong

When South Africans shake your hand, they reach one hand out, but use their other hand to balance their extended arm...this is a sign of respect.

Grocery stores are in all of the big malls. It's common to see grocery carts being pushed through the malls.

Driving here is on the left side of the road.

Almost every home and apartment has metal bars on windows, and metal gates in addition to front and back doors - they are called burglar bars!

The thing that surprised me most when we arrived 7 months ago is that most homes have high fences with sharp spiked tops, and an electric fence on top of that, or curled razor wires. At first it looked daunting, but I hardly notice it anymore!

Most South Africans are very well versed in the Bible.

A taxi here is a van-like bus. They fit at least fifteen people in them, and they seem to rule the roads here!

Lot's of people hitch hike. There are different hand signals to represent where the person wants to go!

People walk on freeways here!"

Sneaky tank

Got to be on the radio!

We didn't get a group email this last week so hopefully we will get one tomorrow. He has a new companion who he is training and he told me he was nervous but also excited. In our personal emails we've been talking a lot about what's going to happen when he gets home which is crazy! It's getting so close. There's so much that could happen and so many ways it could happen but I know that as long as we trust in the Lord it will all work out. :)

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