Elder Mikel North

Elder Mikel North
South Africa Durban Mission June 2015-2017

Sunday, November 13, 2016

"No-tract November"

He didn't send any pictures this week so this is all we got. Since his companion went home he's been bounced around a little but it sounds like now he'll be with two other Elders in a nearby area.

"Oh boy oh boy this week was grand!

So as many of you know my companion finished his mission and went home but the six week transfer cycle is still not over so I worked with a mini missionary. His name is Thobane Chiliza he is a return missionary from Enseleni, and he served in Zambia. It was so awesome to work with him and it helped a lot that he spoke Zulu. I am still trying to learn as much Zulu as I can, I get better each week but still have a long way to go. Ngifuna ukukhuluma isizulu, kodwa ngiyazi ngikhaluma kancane. Ngiyafunda.

So this week we made a lot of progress in the area by walking around greeting people with members. We were able to find a potential family that I am really excited about. our teaching pool is growing a lot and we are becoming very very busy.

(From his letter to the mission president)
This week was so good, as you know I had brother Chiliza as my companion. We worked hard and saw so much growth in just one week!

Well to start off and answer on how I will be exercising faith in the Lord is by starting "notract November" we are going to go the whole month without tracting, instead we will be networking and finding everyone we teach through members, less actives and other investigators. So far its been working so well. Our teaching pool is building rapidly and also we are finding more males by finding this way. It is hard to come up with creative ideas that will be more productive and effective than tracting but I think its already blessed the area a lot and got members more in the spirit of missionary work.

We are also going to try doing area blitzing, where we set up a booth in one area and the zone all comes to that area for a few hours that day and we contact as many people in a heavy foot traffic area. We believe this will allow us to get a whole lot of contacts from more than one area, especially so we can teach people who live in town. I believe that this will bring energy to the zone and also make a great impact for the area. More people will see us and know who we are. Instead of knocking on doors that we have no clue whats behind them we can spend the rest of the time we would be tracting following up on potential investigators.

We have walked a lot more this week. we park our car in a centralized area and just walk so we cant contact on our way to appointments and be seen. We also have had a member walk with us through the township and introduce us to everyone she knows, all we did was greet the people and get to know their names and numbers and let the member tell them we are missionaries from church and thats about all. We would then be on our way. Now when we go back to those houses they already kind of know us and we have found great success in coming back to their homes. We have also founds this to be one of our most effective ways in finding families to teach.

Brother Chiliza got a job and so I will no longer be working with him, instead I will be in a threesome with the missionaries in Enseleni which is Elder Waeni and Elder Reed. It's going to be hard not being in my area as much but I am excited to see how their area is progressing and see what we can do to make it even better.

Elder North"

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