Elder Mikel North

Elder Mikel North
South Africa Durban Mission June 2015-2017

Monday, September 5, 2016


Lions? Yep! Needless to say I am very jealous of what he got to do last week.

"We are still getting things settled for transfers and it's been hectic but soo good.

I have spent the week with the Elders in Ha Thestsane, my old area to show them and rain them on the area.  It has been an amazing few days.  We had 5 investigators come to church which is more than I have ever had before.  We are working harder than ever as our mission president is pushing us to our best.

While in Bloemfontien I got to wrestle a lion.  No like legit wrestle a real lion that has claws and teeth.  I only got a few scratches and yes I did punch that lion right in the face for nipping my leg.  That is right, I am a man because I punched a lion in the face and I wasn't overly scared....but really we did get to wrestle a lion named Napo.  He is awesome and playful and if he nips you smack his nose.  Sometimes his claws come out so you can get cut pretty bad, it was incredible though...worth every dime."

Oh you know, just wrestling with a lion. No big deal or anything.


"President wants Lesotho to become the highest baptizing area in the mission and wants a substantial amount each month.  He has been guiding us, giving encouragement, and letting us know we need to up our game and do more.  I have not worked this hard, or should I say effectively for a long time, if ever.  I am seeing the immediate blessing from it.  People are coming out of no where for us to teach and we have been blessed with some incredible experiences this week.  We are working hard to make Lesotho become what it can be and to baptize.

White washing (pulling in two new Elders to an area, instead of leaving one and transferring one) can be good in some instances, sometimes it just happens.  Then other times it is because of bad things.  No it wasn't a bad one this time.  Elder Leonard got transferred so he could be closer to the doctor.  President felt strongly that I should come to this new area.  We talked a lot about it as well.  Now since I am still here in Lesotho I have been working with the new missionaries in my old area to show them everything so it is almost like they are not white washing at all.

Our water is freezing cold so it can be really hard on some kids when they get baptized and some of them cry.  It is bad but good.

We went to visit a member who called us asking for a blessing this week.  As we got there we found him laying on the floor in the bedroom.  He told us how he was beaten near death as people robbed him the other week.  He was still in pretty bad shape.  We sang some hymns and prayed and gave a blessing but my favorite part was when we opened up the Book of Mormon to Mosiah chapter 24. This chapter hit him right where it counts and touched his heart.  I think that is what is doing the real healing.  He comes closer to Jesus, he will find his healing love surround him.  It was a great lesson and experience to me that the Book of Mormon really does solve and answer our prayers and problems.

Some things about my area.  There are really nice houses and next door can be a not so nice house. Some people live in shacks and because they are so poor it makes it difficult for them to get to church.  A lot of houses have outdoor toilets.  They pump water from the outside and bring it in buckets.  They don't really have a kitchen just a two burner stove that plugs in.  They also use parafine heaters to cook and warm their houses at the same time."

This picture could pretty much be from the Lion King. So cool!

"Me stealing Bolelang's hat"

Took a selfie with his mission mom!

Sister Kwaramba

"The past few days have also been some of the most busy.  So busy that I haven't even gone shopping since I came to this area.  I have been skipping breakfast because I do not have food. Ya that is how busy we are.  If you know how much I love food then you know this is a big deal!

Tomorrow we have our MLC (mission leader council) meeting so my companion and I will be leaving Lesotho around 4 or 5am to get there.  I am looking forward to hear from our mission president on how we can improve and hasten the work.

It was a fantastic first week of the transfer.  I have only worked in my area for one day.  Leribe has been down for conference and working with my companion as I go out with Maseru 3.  Great things are already starting to happen in the area and we had more investigators from Maseru 3 come to church than ever before.l  Elder King and Parson are doing a wonderful job.  I had the opportunity to sit with Elder Parson and conduct a little interview to see how he was feeling and what he expects from mission.  He is doing very well and is well on the track to becoming a fantastic missionary, as he already is.  I was impressed in a lesson when he shared a scripture with an investigator at just the right time.  The investigator then looked up at us, we were worried she didn't understand what she read because of the complicated English used in the passage, but as she looked up at us she said...This is me.  It was about Joseph Smith looking for the true church.  It was such a great lesson and I know he was prompted to open when he did and read what he did.  I am thankful for the wonderful missionaries we have in the zone. 

 I have felt a great spirit of teaching the past few days, more than I think I have ever had.  I find myself talking to more people in any situation.  Every passing person we try to stop and share the gospel with.  It reminds me of many times on my mission as we have been out tracting and someone was outside and we passed them by heading to the next door to knock.  The person would then stop us and say, "don't you have something to say to me".  We of course exclaim YES and begin to teach.  The lesson I have learned and am still learning is that we need to have the name of Christ constantly on our lips.  People expect us to speak, our job is not to disappoint them.  Open our mouths and proclaim the restored gospel.  We don't need to ask for permission to speak.  We have had hands laid upon our heads and been given authority to talk to everyone everywhere.  We don't need to ask, we just need to do."

"ah I love your emails. what a week, I cant believe you have scored 4 goals that is just insane!

you are just incredible you know that right?!?!?

I love you babe, you are the love of my life,

I was talking to Elder DePriest last night from 1030 to 4 in the morning, just talking about you and his girlfriend and how similar things and events lead to us dating and he is awesome and I am excited for you to meet him, we are going to go on a fun road trip through colorado with him and his girl/wife :) I cant wait. but it was just so good to talk about you again. as a missionary one we try to stay focus so lately I dont talk about you to people as much as I used to and two a lot of missionaries have been dear jhoned so I dont like to rub it in that I have the perfect girl for me still. so it was just so awesome as we talked I would remember so amazing adventures and memories we went on and I just went to sleep thinking to myself.. wow... I really really really love you. made me smile so much it was a good night

Elder Mookie"



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